Firstly, I would very much like to give out another Lululiz award

This one is for the very lovely Sarah, whose blog Red Gingham made me feel very guilty today, because it showed the most perfectly organised larder cupboard, but usually just makes me smile with pleasure. She is a fabulous seamstress and makes the prettiest crochet hook rolls amonst other things.
Secondly, I wanted to tell you gals about a really lovely giveaway from juanitatortilla. Just look at that fab and funky apron and that really gorgeous bracelet. I would love to win those, and I am sure you wouldn't mind giving them house room either, right?
And on we go, to another tag, sigh. I think Floss is doing that to get her revenge for me making her hum an 80s pop song all day long. ( Teeheee, no regrets at all, sorry ). Here are the rules of this one.
Pick 6 unimportant things you love.
Mention & link to the person who tagged you.
Tag 6 of your favourite bloggers to play along (don't forget to comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged!)
I am going to name my 6 victims first, before I start on my six unimportant, but much loved things. Gulp, so here we have
JJ, who writes the Diary of a Croaper, and is currently lounging about in the sunshine in Portugal, but WILL complete this task as soon as she can get to a computer, right?
Joy, Hippy News, who has just moved to a gorgeous new place and is waiting for her broadband to be reconnected,
Sarah, Red Gingham, see above
The very sweet Charlie, Figs and Lemons, who makes fabulous looking soaps in Italy
Liz, whose blog Liz's Knitting I very much enjoy
and Corrie, Lomond Soap, who also makes delicious looking soaps and loves people who invite themselves to stay with her, roflmao, thats right, isn't it, Corrie?
Ok, thats one thing done, now on to naming 6 unimportant things which I love ( which kinda makes them quite important, really, don't you think?)
1 - Baileys Irish Cream, YUM. Errrm, just because I listed it first doesn't make me a lush, right? Its just that I have a bottle right under my desk here. Oh no, that makes it sound even worse! Honestly, it has been sitting here, untouched, for months, has probably gone off by now
2 - Victorian costume jewellery. I love the sparkle of old rhinestones, the very elaborate designs, the opulence
3 - Ice lollies, any sort, I am not fussy, lol
4 - beads, lovely shiny, sparkly beads in any shape and form and size
5 - potato salad, if I had to chose between potato salad and chocs, the potato salad would win every time
6 - everything else, lolol, I love so many things, which really are quite unimportant, but ARE important to me, fabrics, lace, the red squirrel in our garden in France, embroideries, books, records, boxes, tins, stone hot water bottles, jelly moulds, my granny's pretty pretty 80 year old china, my camera, essential oils, my computer, the telephone, wayside flowers, just think of something and it would probably be on this list!
This has taken me ages to write, because my doggies keep interrupting me, so now I have to get some work done. But perhaps if I get a chance a bit later, I'll add a few pics to the post, just a random selection of something or other.
Aw Liz, you really know how to make a girl feel special!! What a cute award too. So do I now have to name those 6 things? Well, I guess I've done worse! Hope you are having a good evening and thanks for the email.
It is so fun to learn more about you!
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