Monday, 24 August 2015

My Son the Goatherd, Day 5 of the family holiday

I know, you'll be thinking, what the heck? Goatherd? All will become clear later, lol. First, I just have to show you a photo of the view from our cottage this morning when I took the dogs for a walk -

The valley was filled with low clouds again, the sun was trying to break through the very dramatic black and grey clouds, and the light was, well, just awesome. I only had my phone with me, so when we got back, I took my camera out to take some more photos, but the atmosphere had changed in those few minutes -

the view had softened, the dramatic feel had gone. Still, I just love seeing those clouds drifting up from the valley again. I can never get sick of it.

Wednesday morning, day 5 of the family's stay, we went to see our dear friends Frank and Christine (Dutch),

( my husband on the left, Frank on the right )
who had their two granddaughters staying with them. Language is no barrier to children, they happily played together in their little swimming pool -

We wanted to get home for lunch, so set off down the little country road, and promptly came to an abrupt halt when we were confronted with -

Yep, a herd of goats which had escaped from the field adjacent to Frank and Christine's property. They were legging it down the lane, and of course every time we moved forward a little, so did they.

Until they came to a little path going off to the right. They stopped and seemed to discuss what to do next, lol -

I was hoping that they would go down that little path to relative safety and to let us pass, but of course that was just wishful thinking. Instead, they stayed on the little country road we were on and headed off towards the main road.


Now, the roads here are never very busy, but still, the traffic on the main road is fast, and I really didn't want to see a goat/car collision. So my darling oldest son Chris got out of the car, got ahead of the goats and turned them round, away from the main road - 

Tried to open the gate to the field we thought they had escaped from, but couldn't get it open, so we just had to let them toddle off down the road, hoping that a local would see them and let the farmer know.

They made it past our car without any damage ( to our car, lol ), and seemed to quite enjoy their little adventure.

Who says life in the countryside is boring? Hah, never a dull moment!

Toodlepip xxx


suziqu's thread works said...

What a magical sunrise!
how very kind of Frank and Christine to invite the children over to meet the horses and swim in the pool.
They just had the best time splashing around in that pool.
How amazing to come across the escapee goaties. These milking goats look so beautiful and a breed we are not familiar with here.
I really must post our Angora goats soon before they get shorn!
Love for now,

Lyn said...

I often come across the odd sheep or two on the road near us...but never goats!

Dorthe said...

Another day filled wit special experiences for you an dyour family, dear friend,- Amazing that a day starting so dark and grey can turn into a sunfilled and warm day ,perfect for bathing and sitting outside. The kids surely have had a most wonderful day over there, meeting the Dutch kids, and playing in and outside the pool, no language dosen`t mean anything when kids want to play together :-)
Your hometour, I think was a little special too, meeting all the goats , wandering along the road, and ofcourse they wanted the adventure on the main road :-) good your son could tell them something else, and make them turn around ,to a safer road !!
I bet the kids were very exited over this meeting, too .
Sending you kiss and hug, and smiles .

AppleApricot Wen said...

Hahaha lol, great story! And beautiful sunrise... your phone took a great photo of it :) Hugs xx Wen

Betsy said...

Another beautiful fun filled day! the goats are so funny! what an adventure,I'll bet the girls thought it was great!