It was a grotty, dark grey, very wet and windy weekend. But that didn't deter us from donning bad weather gear, wrapping up granddaughter Paige, getting our two very excitable Ridgebacks into the back of the car and heading off to the woods on Saturday. Nuts or what, lol? Despite the horrid weather, we had a fabulous time. We had caught a bit of a lull in the weather and got away with drizzle for most of the walk -
I really wanted to take some pictures of fungi, which I had admired a few days earlier. On a very lovely sunny day that was, of course I didn't have my camera with me then, sod's law. Anyway, here we are setting off -
Because of the constant drizzle, there wasn't much colour around, but I do love the different greens of mosses and lichen -
Oh, and of course, chestnuts glow in any kind of weather, don't they? -
The dogs go completely doolally in the woods. There is soooo much space for them to run around in, as those woods are very well kept -
The only problem is, with all those browny reddy leaves and ferns around, the dogs blend in every so well, and sometimes its really hard to spot them, lol -
You only realise they are still around when you see them streaking through the ferns and leaves at what seems like 250mph -
Unless, of course, Poppy decides to take a mud bath -
I find fungi endlessly fascinating and I did manage to take a few photos, although I had to take most of them with flash. When we were little, our parents would take us to the woods every autumn to collect wild fungi and we would have a huge mushroom feast in the evening. My mouth is watering just thinking about that, mushies gently frying in butter, just with chopped onions, salt and pepper and eaten with freshly baked buttered bread. I wish I still knew how to tell the edible ones from the poisonous ones, but I really wouldn't trust myself these days.
I have no idea what sort of fungi I have photographed (except the fly agaric, the pretty and very poisonous red one ), so no text to go with them. Just enjoy the pics, well, if you enjoy looking at fungi at all, that is, lol.
Some of them are very hard to spot amongst the leaves, they know how to hide themselves well, like these in the next couple of photos -
Despite being somewhat damp around the edges, we came home grinning happily, with two very mucky and thankfully very tired doggies. Bliss.
What a great walk you had. I love a walk in the wet if there is a nice warm home waiting at the end of it and a cup of tea and a slice of something don't you? Those fungii are amazing too - isn't nature wonderful?!
I find fungi's pictures so cheerful, don't you?!
Poppy & Hector are a bit scary for me, but surely lovely!
Yours is the second fly argaric I've seen on a blog today - I've only seen one once in real life.
Raja likes to go tearing off like that but we can track her ,ovement by the waves that form over her in the long grass!
lovely photo's looks like you had a fun day, despite the weather. Good luck with the craft fair.
Rachael xx
I like the red spotty one - just like in the storybooks!
Pomona x
I just don't take advantage of the lovely forests literally across the road from where I live... I must change that, esp in this lovely autumnal weather.
Victoria xx
Oooh did you see any fairies under them? My girls would have been having a good look. Love the little villages of them in two of the photos. Really cute. I hope there was a stream to wash the dogs in after that walk!
Pictures were absolutely beautiful. The colors are unbelievable. I enjoy photographing them too, but yous are the prettiest I have ever seen.
Great photos!! I love the red one - it almost doesn't look real, its like something from a fairytale :-)
Autumn is my fave time of year. i loethe colours in everything,so is so much variety. Looks like a nice time was had by all.
Poppy and Hector look like they are having fun!!!
I love them! I may have mentioned it once or twice but I think they are so pretty!
beautiful pictures - looks as though you've had it pretty wet..
I absolutely adore your beautiful pictures !
What a lovely post, it's so easy to hate the wet damp weather but your pictures just go to show how nice it can be. I was too out and about but only in my garden with my camera and have posted some pictures of areas I could find abit of colour. It's nice to see.
Tracy x
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