It is yet another gray, miserable looking day here in Sussex. Its funny how different I feel in France when the weather is grey and misty. There I don't mind it at all, because the scenery is so beautiful in any weather. Here, in town, it just puts me off doing anything. Humph. Going out? Nah, can't be bothered, its horrid out there. Do stuff in the house? Well, should do really, but I'd rather be reading blogs. Preparing for the two day fair at the weekend? Yes, I must, and I promise myself I will do it as soon as I have finished with this post. Hmmm. I could make this a very long post, of course, teeheee. But then, you would get terribly bored and go off in a huff never to return. Definitely don't want that. So, I'll be making face masks trios, facial serums, balms this afternoon. Sigh. Oh, and labels, oh joy, working out allergens.
Back to the weather, and France. You see, our cottage in France is right at the top of a hill, overlooking the village in the valley below. Very often in the mornings, the valley is covered with bright white thick mist or even very low clouds, which makes it look like a valley filled with snow, or a glistening lake, whilst we are in bright warm sunshine. Sometimes, we are right in the clouds as well, which is great fun, and makes for quite a mysterious atmosphere. I love watching the clouds getting thinner, the sun slowly poking through, and patches of blue sky appearing above us.
The following photos were taken a couple of weeks ago, when we woke to a world filled with glowing mist. It was really strange, one minute the clouds would thin so that we could see further than the end of our garden, and the next minute it was so thick that the world seemed to have disappeared. We went for a lovely womble with the doggies through this strangely quiet, half seen world.
The sunrise, always worth getting up for, but particularly spectacular that day-
A womble down the GR13, famous walking route, which goes past our cottage
One moment the clouds were thinning-
Only to close up around us again a few minutes later-
The doggies didn't mind at all
What lovely pictures - I can see why you love your French cottage so much.
Thank you for visiting - I won't give up on the felting, but it is harder than I thought it would be!
I can't join the swap - too much to do to commit at the mo, but it sounds exciting.
oh, and Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. LOL.
How cute your doggies! Usually I don't like the mist, but your pictures are really beautiful!
Can't wait for Monday, I'm so excited too!
Beautiful images. I love to see when clouds settle in the valley. It's awesome and eerie all at the same time. x
It looks so beautiful, Liz... I'm off to look at your Rainbow entrants now!
Oh what a lovely blog you have, I'm in the middle of starting mine again but life keeps getting in the way.
I'd love to join your swap if that's OK Pink would be my choice.
Take Care
Kate xx
Lovely atmospheric pictures!
Pomona x
So no takers on the beige aye? Really Liz, did you really think there would be!! It's filling up nicely now which is most excellent. I see I even have a red friend too.
Now that top photo is really neat. It looks like water not fog. We've had a couple of foggy mornings lately. It gives me such a secluded feeling. Quite nice. How's Autumn going apart from the rain? Lots of pretty leaves out?
What loveliness to wake up to really. I imagine I wouldn't mind all that mist had I been in a cottage in France as well :)
The weather here is short of bright and sunny too, I'm afraid. Sigh, Autumn in Zurich.
Very lovely pictures!I thought there's a lake or something in the first one at first, but looking at it better I saw there wasn't...How beautiful it is! Your cottage must be in a very nice place, I think I'll go to have a look if there are more picures of it on your blog.
I truly love your pictures, there's something about mists - the season of mists and mellow fruitfullness! My parents are hoping to move to France after the new year - I'll have to send your blog on to my mum to read!
Kim xx
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