But on to rosier things, lol. As it is PINK SATURDAY today over at the wonderful How Sweet the Sound blog, I took some quick pics of beautiful pink blossoms on a small but rather old and mossy tree. I have no idea what sort of tree it is, the blossom looks like apple blossom, but I can't recall ever seeing any fruit on this thing, lol.
Anyhoo, here are the pics -
I cut a few of the tiny moss covered branches and took them over to my craftavan -
Ahh, a few blossoms make it look even cosier and homely.
A few days ago, the day started really beautifully. The dogs got me up early, so we went to watch the sunrise in the garden. It was quite dramatic -
This was very early on, I couldn't make out any details really
slowly the colours got more intense
and details of the beautiful landscape slowly appeared
needless to say, that didn't last very long and soon after it clouded over and the rain set in again.
The next day when we went out of the front door, this view greeted us, although view is probably the wrong word, cos there was nothing to view except solid greyness -
Yep, the world had disappeared again, and we were in the ( low flying ) clouds, lol.
Have a wonderful weekend everybody, and if you like pink, check out the PINK SATURDAY links at How Sweet the Sound.
Ah, before I go, can I ask if there is anybody out there who is a wizz with Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ext problems? I seem to have a really weird prob and would love to be able to talk to somebody about it. Help!!!
Toodlepip xxx