Wednesday 15 September 2010

France Post 2 - A little bit of crochet

I had hoped to get more crocheting done, really. I had prepared so well, taking a few new yummy yarns with me, as well some yarns left over from previous project. And then of course there was the garden lankie which I had started ages ago. In crazy bright colours, lol, very unlike me. But, you know the saying about the best laid plans, lol. Because my darling husband had broken a couple of ribs just a few days before our trip, it fell to me to do all the stuff he would normally do in the garden. Like cutting the VERY high grass, trimming the bushes, digging the veggie patch etc etc. I was way too pooped in the evenings to do any crocheting for the first couple of weeks. But as Andy improved and did more and more of the hard slog, I got more and more time to crochet. In the evenings, of course, a few granny squares at a time, and during the odd hour or two snatched during the day in the garden, in the beautiful sunshine. That proved not such a good idea, lol, and not just because I frequently stopped to admire the beautiful views. The main reason was...........

Yep, my darling Hector. Needing to be close to his mummy. VERY close. He is such a nosy little soandso as well, and seems to rather enjoy climbing around on things. I can't tell you how many times I had to pick up balls of wool, or how many times I had to untangle Hector. Or how many times I tried to arrange the squares while Hec was around before I learned my lesson and gave up?

But despite all that, I managed to finish the two cushions I had planned. This African Flower Hexagon pattern is soooo pretty and ever so easy to do as well. I prefer the squared version though, so much easier to sew together. I made one cushion approx 18" square and one approx 25" square -

The small one-

The large one-

I had the smaller one in the cottage for a while -

but then it joined the large one in our dinky little caravan-

The gorgeous pink blanket you can see in the above pic was a fabulous charity shop find, 100% mohair, new, huuuuge, the prettiest shades of pink and it was............... 5Euros. I love it.

In between making the granny squares for the cushions, I carried on with my stripey garden lankie. Bright colours, randomly picked out of the basket when I first started, inexpensive acrylic yarns, this was a very different project for me. A bit of colourful fun. But I have to say I am pleased with the way it turned out, its charmingly cheerful in the garden.

You'll probably remember from previous posts that the doggies always just had to make themselves comfy on the work in progress, often snuggling right down on the lankie when I was working on it. Nothing much has changed, lol, as you will see in a minute. First, let me show you the finished lankie-

keeping my darling husband snug after a hard day's work-

Hmm, he wasn't too keen on modelling the lankie, perhaps he would be happier modelling it outside? Two nosy dogs just had to get into the shot, didn't they, sigh-

So I decided that I would drape it over the lounger, surely that would display it properly-

As soon as it was spread out on the lounger, Poppy came over to investigate -" Mum, I arranged it for you, you may take a pic now", then promptly lost interest and wombled off

Not so my darling Hector, sigh. Hector loves the lounger. Hector loves lounger with lankie LOTS, lol -

It took me a good long while to get him off there!

And that is it, 2 months in France and that is all the crocheting I have to show for it. Perhaps during the winter visits I'll be a bit more productive.

I'll leave you with a little pic of a crochet cushion I got from a vide greniers or charity shop last year, I love that 3dimensional pattern -

Toodlepip xxx


  1. tu as du mérite de crocheter autant avec un chien de cette taille sur les genoux, hahahaha !

  2. Hello Sweetie,
    I love, love, love the pink crochet cushions! The colours you have chosen look wonderful.
    It seems everyone loves the stripey blanket and so they should. Well done on getting it finshed. Maybe you need to make Hector one of his very own. Bless him.

    love Fi x

  3. Very nice work madam :-)

    However, just one slight thing I really ought to mention - yet again, I present my case that not a lot goes on in France other than sitting, and now, lying in a hammock. ROFL

    JJ x
    (Leaving now - I may or may not be in more trouble than normal Heehee)

  4. SWOONING over that blanket!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
    and the pink crochet is kinda yummy too!!!!
    Annie x x

  5. The cushions are really lovely, the combinations of colours just perfect!

    The stripy lankie is well stripy and looks like a success with all members of the family.

    Not bad really.

  6. I love the colours and the patterns - but what a challenge, to crochet with dog! Does it count as a Danger Sport, do you think?

  7. Liz,
    you had challenges here, I see ,that, lol- but the end results were wonderfull, all-
    The pillows looks so lovely in your couch-and the balnket is super, fantastic, even you had to moove around ,with those very big dogs-LOL----looks so cosy ,there in your garten, dear friend.
    Hugs to you from me.

  8. Goodness me your babies sure are mischievious. How could you let them play with your new blanket though?!! I actually think you got quite a bit done. I think a well done sticker might be coming your way actually. I do love love love those new cushions. And that blanket is so pretty!

    But you have been keeping from us. A caravan??? Don't you know what you have is the envy of many of us? How neat is that? And with that glorious cheap blanket adorning the back seat. What can I say? Lucky you. Is it in France? I really must pop over some day.

  9. LOL - Hector and Poppy provided you with quite the view, eh?!?! One must admit though they look quite handsome on your crochet work ;)

    Your pillows are beautiful! You may not have got much done, but that's okay - you're not supposed to get a lot of stuff done on a vacation ;)


    Romeo and "her"

  10. So glad you're back! Love the crocheted pillows, crochet is the first craft I learned so it holds a special spot for me. I can not believe the spectacular view you have and such a lovely cottage- don't you just love outbuildings? I plan to take a good long look through your blog and enjoy the photos.

  11. Oh my, what a clever, clever, domestic goddess you are. It all looks so heavenly and as for that view ...

  12. Whew.... You make beautiful things.. And, Hector... What a cutie! It's as though he's actually a human. Quite social!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Warm blessings,

  13. Hi Liz,
    let's see if I can comment today,last night I couldn't! Your pillows are just wonderful and your
    dogs are so cute. Love your cottage.


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