Monday 13 September 2010

France Post 1 - Tales from the Cottage

Well, more photos than tales really. I have posted many pics of the cottage, both outside and inside before, so I hope this is not too boring for you.

My most favourite time of the day has got to be the very early morning, just as the sun rises. The world is so still and peaceful, and every morning the scene greeting me when I open the cottage door is different. Being up on the hill, we are often in the clouds when the valley is clear, or vice versa, we have beautiful clear skies and sunshine and the valley is filled with mist. The most beautiful light for me is the warm, diffused, richly coloured light you get when it is very misty, the sun has just risen over the valley and everything is bathed in this pearly glow -

The dogs are not the slightest bit disturbed by the gone world

Looking over the valley

The little lane in front of our house

Sometimes we are in the clouds until lunchtime, which is quite weird, but it makes for a great atmosphere -

When the mist does clear away, I like sitting in this little sheltered spot by the barn door, it is out of the breeze we often get coming up the valley and which can be quite fresh at times -

I so wanted to have lots of lovely colourful plants outside the house, in pots and baskets, but of course trying to fill those in the middle of July, which was when we arrived at the cottage, was almost impossible. I could only find a few scraggly plants at the market. Still, better than nothing, and with the bits of enamelware and earthenware pots, I made a little display in this corner by the front door -

My lovely wellies unfortunately gave up the ghost and had to be retired, but I couldn't bear to throw them away, so now they are part of the garden display, lol

At the end of the little wall, an old zinc pot filled with bright red geraniums, guarding the door the the wine cellar ( you can see a little of the old door )!

On the other side of the front door, under the little window, is a little wicker table with a little display -

I found this gorgeous antique lace curtain at a little vide greniers, which was an almost perfect fit for the front door -

When the weather is good, we love having our meals outside, under the trees next to the bread oven. Relaxing under trees with a cold beer after a hard day's work is also pretty good -

The bread oven is an amazing little building and one day it will become my little soap studio-

I think this is quite enough for one post. If you want to see more pictures of the cottage, the inside perhaps, have a look through the blog, there are loads more pics sprinkled about.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll show the few little bits of crochet I managed to finish. I'll also try and photograph some of the vide greniers finds, I know a lot of you are waiting to see those, so that I can post those this week as well.

Until tomorrow then, toodlepip, xxx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So good to have you back, but I just know you're going be taunting us all with your delicious finds! xox

  3. That's not Sussex is it? It's France!! :-) Looks truly idyllic!

  4. Oh Liz a soap house!! How fabulous. Gosh wouldn't you have the best of fun in there? I do love your red geraniums so much and your old boots too. Maybe you could plant some pink geraniums in your boots? Bet you miss the cottage already. Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos with us.

  5. I love your cottage. So cozy. Do you live there year round?

  6. Such stunning photos! Everything looks so peaceful and joyous!

  7. Oh Liz, I can see why you love being there so much, those morning views are breathtaking and so very peaceful. How wonderful is the bread oven, and to think you will be able to have a soap studio one day is great.

  8. Oh, it is lovely! And I like the way you tell it how it is (not finding any decent plants!) rather than giving us the glossy magazine version. Just wonderful, Liz. Thanks.

  9. Liz what a gorgeous place you the look of those hazy mornings makes everything a little more soft focus!!!
    Thanks for sharing the prettiness hun x x x
    Annie xx

  10. I'm happy you're back. Your pics are gorgeous. I love them very much expecially the ones taken in the early morning. They're so beautiful!

  11. Comme tes photos sont SPLENDIDES !!!!
    Magnifiques !

  12. little reminder : I have tagged you... but maybe you don't want to participate ?
    this way, no worries !

  13. Liz,
    lovely to se the: Lululiz on the sideboard again :-)
    and such beautifull photoes,dear, that fog looks wonderfull--here we do have lots of fog,too, but thats the plain white one.......
    your surroundings with flowers, and cosy sitting places are so pretty-what a blissfull place you have dear friend.

  14. These images are just stunning!
    Like paintings, actually. :-)

    Have a wonderful week!
    Big hugs,

  15. Lovely pics.
    I detect that a LOT of sitting goes on in France. Am I right?

    JJ x

  16. Welcome back Lululiz ! I'm just admiring your photos here, aww.... it's a paradise ! it makes me escape from the noisy Paris streets ! hope I can find a place like that in a few years to live in peace with my cats and dog. It's soooooo wonderful !

  17. Liz, absolutely beautiful photos of the mist! And the one of your table and mix-matched chairs in front of the rustic door on your cottage...someday I will ask you for permission if I may paint a picture of it?
    Great job on the granny squares - lovely, unique pattern that I've never seen before.
    You both look so happy and contented on your vacation.
    Hugs, Diane

    Love each and every shot.
    And a SOAP STUDIO! How flippin fun would that be?
    I wanna come . . . wonder what your two big guys would think of my two little ones? :)
    Hugs! Karen

  19. What a magical place this is!! Thank you so much for sharing.
    You took beautiful photos.


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