Friday 17 September 2010

France Post 3 - A few Vide Greniers finds

Honestly, just a few! I may have mentioned to one or two of you before that I was extremely restrained at the vide greniers. I passed up so many things which a year or two ago I would have snapped up, but I am seriously running out of room to store everything. A lot of the things I did buy, I bought with selling on in mind. I did promise my DH that I would attend a fair or two before Christmas to move a few things out of the house. I might even go back to Ebay, I used to sell ever so much on there a few years back. Ah well, we shall see. In the meantime, here are pics of a few things I brought back. Ahem, they were in the small box, I haven't unpacked the biggish box yet, errr, that I will attempt tomorrow. I also had a few gorgeous old books in the small box, but I haven't photographed them yet, I'll do that tomorrow as well. I love books and their fabulous covers/illustrations so much, I think they probably deserve a post of their own.

Right, stop talking, woman, and get on with the pics, right? Ok, I'll start with one of my favourite buys, this beautiful enamelled coffee tin -

I just love the blue veining on the white background

I was thrilled to bits to find some gorgeous little tartlet tins which had come out of an old patisserie. These shallow ones make fabulous little frames for photos, little collages etc -

Yes, they are horribly crusty and mucky at the moment, I'll have to spend some time scrubbing, sigh.

These taller ones are great for making dinky pin cushions, for example.

They also look so sweet on a shelf in a row of six or so, filled with autumn treasures, conkers, moss, acorns, seed pods. I have done that in France on the kitchen window sill.

A vintage madeleine baking tray, I love displaying these in the kitchen-
Of course there is no reason why one shouldn't use it to actually bake some madeleines, hhmm.

Aah, and what about these dinky little tub things?

Can you not instantly think of at least a dozen gorgeous things to do with them? I have a particular project in mind for them. In a little while. When I have finally caught up with everything.

The gilded big old curtain rings are fabulous! Most of the time you find them without the clips, they were just sewn to the fabric, but these have the proper clips for holding the fabric still attached to them. Now that is quite rare -

I found another vintage Eiffel Tower, woohoo! I know I have another one somewhere, with a thermometer, which is quite fab, but I have no idea where it is, lol.

These door finger plates caught my eye straight away, they are so pretty and my first thought was, doors or window shutters in a mixed media collage ( something I would love to get into )

Of course they would look darned good used as door plates, lol.

I adore the deep blue colour of these old French house number plates, aren't they just fab? I particularly like the one with the rounded corners -

I really love those tiny little religious medals. They are beautiful just on their own, to wear or just to have in your jewellery box, but they also make such lovely additions to collages and little pillows/sachets -

If you know me just a little, then you will know how much I love wood, especially old turned wooden handles on old tools, they are so smooth and tactile. Just give me any kind of old wood really, lol, and I am happy. Look at these old lace bobbins, I know I am somewhat eccentric, lol, but I had to fondle them for a little while when I bought them. Standing at the stall at the vide greniers. Probably drawing some very odd glances. Who cares, lol.

See? Here is another piece of wood which I just had to get, a little pediment, perhaps the top of an old mirror, or a little sideboard, or even the back of a chair. I have no idea, but I love it, it is so beautifully smooth -

Errr, I also love tins, tins of every description. Aren't these beautifully shaped and decorated tins just gorgeous? And having a matching pair is such a bonus -

Another tin, which goes really well with the above two -

Also in the smaller of the boxes were a few pretty 60s trims -

and, ooh, look, a few buttons as well! Why oh why can I never resist buttons?
Lovely orange buttons, perfect for halloween projects -

And mother of pearl buttons, who doesn't love those -

Books tomorrow I think, and then I'll unpack the larger box. Would you believe me if I said that I can't exactly remember whats in it? I know there are a few gorgeous linen pieces and a bit of lace, but what else?? Sometimes its quite good fun having a bad memory, lol, hopefully I'll get a nice surprise when I open the box.

Have a lovely day/evening, wherever you are. Toodlepip xxx


  1. Liz, if that is what RESTRAINT looks like..?

    Oh well, I don't care, because you've made me happy with the pics and the descriptions. Lovely buys, all of them. Those buttons are quite special.

  2. Oh Liz,
    it is realy fantastic, seing what you brings home this time....As alwayes it is unreal for me ,that it is possible to find so many goodies,in such a short time...
    I just find everything wonderfull, -as I too, love the old
    metal things, --all of them!and the religius medals are beautifull, as is the small wooden pins.
    Dearest you brought so sweet and gorgeus things home.
    Have a good, and lovely week-end.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  3. Oh my goodness Liz what a feast of treasures - and you haven't even got to the big box yet! My word as Floss says...'THAT' is restraint??!! So many lovelies to look at. I think the tins might be my favourite, but I completely understand what you mean about the feel of turned wood and fondling the bobbins.

    Oh and thank you for a lovely comment the other day. :-)

  4. Oh my! What would you have bought if you'd not been restrained I wonder?! Makes my visits to vide greniers when I came back with 2 0r 3 items look pretty tame! Hope you will enjoy using them all and we'll get to see what you do with them.


  5. Hi Liz,
    ooooooohh, what treasures you found!!Absolutely wonderful.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Extremely restrained! :-)
    Lizzie, are those wonderful matching tins from "Baret ware"? I've got one in a different colour but with the same shape.

  7. Wonderful finds! I especially love the café jar. They are very expensive here and rare to come by.


  8. Seriously - that was the small box? My favourites have to be the tins and buttons.xxP.S. what's in the big box - did you bring me back a cottage?xx

  9. So many great finds Liz - Love those tart molds. Everything is awesome.
    xo Tina

  10. What are you doing to me woman? Just as I've chosen my favourite, up comes another, and another ..

    Haven't you spent up yet?? xx

  11. Oh my gosh girl, you have so many fabulous finds here. Love the tart tins..

  12. Oh Lizzie! Wow wee! I just adore all those metal goodies. I think those little tins would be the cutest little pincushions. Hope you actually make some. But those buttons... my goodness can you see what shade of green I've now turned? They are so beautiful!

  13. I am positively the most lovely shade of green (with envy!) over your lovely treasures. I can see how you just had to acquire each and every one of them. Happy unpacking...

  14. What gorgeous finds! Please stop by my blog I am having a giveaway filled with supplies for altered art.

  15. All fabulous finds, you are a girl after my own heart :-)

    I am also a magpie....

    Leeann x

  16. Oh my gosh--this is absolute heaven! Wow, I love your finds...they're fabulous. So awesome!

  17. Very nice finds as usual missus.

    Ahem, I thought you were taking things TO France, not bringing them back. Naughty Lizzie. Oh, and I do believe you told me on the phone that you hadn't "bought much".

    JJ x

  18. Liz, here's what I'm curious do you get it all home?! LOL! Do you ship it from France or do you drive over there via the Chunnel so that you can pack the car up to the gills? LOL! Hmmm...wish we had a Chunnel from her to France! ;-) You did good! Love all the books and the lace and buttons and other goodies! You have a good eye.
    Hugs, Diane


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