Wednesday 27 October 2010

Busy fingers

Not quite as busy as I would like them to be, they get too easily distracted by other stuff, but this is what they have been playing with -

Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK in scrumptious colours

I am making a little lap blanket with the african flower squared hexagon pattern -

I also made a few more tags -

I have also been busy putting together some bits and pieces for a swap with a lovely German blogger. I am having soooooooooo much fun! I am going to get back to that as soon as I have posted this!

Toodlepip, xxx


  1. Oh those crochet flower, hexagon squares are scrumdiddlyumptious!

  2. How beautiful your crocheted pieces are! I'm just home from the yarn store myself with stuff for a granny square blanket.. with just one huge square. Can't be bothered with all the stiching together of all the pieces. Will never get it finished! :) Have a nice evening!


  3. Loving the colours. My favourite. x

  4. I have been crochet in this yarn too - isn´t it just awesome and so easy to use.
    xo Tina

  5. Dearest Liz, this is the sweetest squares -and those colors so very pretty- how romantic and beautifull this will be when you finish.How big is it going to be?
    Wish you happy houers working with it.
    Hugs from me.

  6. Oh they do look very pretty those little squares. They look so flower like and the colours are perfect. Clever you again. Love the new tags too. Nice little bits of braid and lace on them. Have fun with your swap!

  7. What a pretty selection of squares.
    And of course, the tags........just lovely.

  8. Those truly have to be the prettiest crochet pieces I have EVER seen!! Wow! Your tags are also very lovely!!!

  9. Oh the blanket is going to be great with the colours you are using

    Victoria xx

  10. très jolies couleurs tes laines !

    en voyant tes tags, j'ai ri toute seule en pensant : si je faisais des tags avec un monument, ça serait Big Ben ;-)

  11. ps : merci pour les idées de chansons...j'hésite encore... je suis assez rock (Bowie, Queen, Muse...)
    tbc =!!

  12. Your hexagons are so so pretty, I love the delicate colours you have chosen. I think one of the yarns is the same as the one I'm attempting to knit with at the moment!! Yet more lovely tags too, I see too. Thanks for your comment on my post today, I'm giving it some thought, hmm ..

  13. Busy hands are happy hands. Your yarns are super pretty together. Love the tags. Happy creating...

  14. ...what yummy colors!! This is sure to keep you warm this winter busy, patient girl:)
    xo, Rosemary

  15. Oh Liz, I love them all. I am so in love with crocheted anything and your colors are my favorite colors.

  16. Die Häckeldinger sehen ja gigantisch aus. Ich glaube ich muss das auch mal versuchen. Deine Paristags haben mich glatt inspiriert eine Karte zu machen. Ich kann sie aber leider nicht bloggen, sie ist nämlich für einen Swap mit einer lustigen Engländerin ;) und es soll ja eine Überraschung sein.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag meine Liebe
    Hugs Alexandra

  17. Yours African flowers look stunning Liz, gorgeous colours, I am going to have another go at these, I struggled the first time...

  18. You have been busy , what beautiful crochet !

  19. You have been busy , what beautiful crochet !

  20. You chose some wonderful colors for your granny squares!

  21. Yummy!!! LOVE those color combos...and the tags are loverly! xo...deb (wish you lived closer too!)

  22. Such yummy colors! I'm just learning to crochet ~ someday it would be nice to make something so beautiful!
    Your tags are beautiful too. I love the little bits of lace on them. I never thought to mix fabric and paper on a tag...but the look is nice!

  23. The pattern and colors in your crochet blanket are just beautiful. I have not done granny square crochet for such a long time. You have inspired me. I am also part of the bloggerette sorority. It was fun visiting your blog today.

  24. Can't wait to see the finished blanket. I bet it will be so beautiful in those colors.

  25. Hi Liz,
    your blanket will look awesome!
    Love you Paris tags - gorgeous.
    Have a spooktacular weekend.

  26. WHAT DID YOU DO?!!! :-) Hubby found a little wrapped bundle in our mailbox yesterday!!! I immediately peeled it apart - thinking when I saw the return address....what did she send me?!!! I peeled layer after layer of all sorts of wrapping and when I got to the bottom of it I found.............A WINDMILL PLATE!!
    Liz, how unexpected and surprising and lovely that you thought of me at your boot sales!! Honestly, I had tears in my eyes!
    IT IS SO SWEET!!! AND SO ARE YOU!!! And the tag is beautiful!
    Let's see...Dutch and French treasures from my British friend!
    Much love and thank you from my heart!

  27. love that yarn, and your tags are just so pretty!


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