Sunday 31 October 2010

I am a wee bit excited

Well, quite a lot excited, actually. The lovely Alexandra, whose blog Cottage Dreams I adore, suggested a swap a little while ago, and I jumped at the chance of course. I have just about finished putting my bits and pieces together, ready to be posted, and I couldn't help myself, I so wanted to share a few little snippets of whats going inside the package. I am just too excited about the swap not to show a teeny bit at least. It won't give anything away, I should think, but Alexandra, if you don't want to see anything at all, then stop right here, lol. And what theme did Alexandra come up with? Why, FRENCH of course!

Hmm, I'll just put a pic of something totally irrelevant here first, so that she doesn't see any swap pics by accident. I could share a couple of those postcards I found last weekend, couldn't I? That should do the trick and you may be able to use them for something in your projects.

And a beautiful illustration from one of the books I picked up recently, isn't it ever so romantic?

Right, now on to the little snippets of some of the swap things -

I'll post proper photos when I know that Alexandra has received her swap package.

No boot fairs today, sob sob, so I am just pootling about, doing this, that and the other. Not much of anything really, lol, I seem to be just shifting stuff from one room to another. Might settle down with my crocheting and put a movie on. Or perhaps I ought to be a bit more of a housewife and do some dusting and hoovering and all that nasty stuff........

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Hi Liz, Thank you for sharing those lovely images! I bet Alexandra is totally excited and can't wait to receive your package. The snippets look very promising!
    I'm sorry that there wasn't a boot fair for you today. Maybe you could look at some older flea market finds and pretend you just bought them ;-).
    Have a great Sunday!
    HUGS to you,

  2. What lovely images to share! I bet your swap will have a lot of gorgeous items in it. Now that I have more blogging time I'll have to come back to check what you did and received.

  3. Hi Liz,
    first of all thank you so much for the lovely images!Swaps are soooo much fun and I bet Alexandra can't wait to receive her goodies from you.Loved all the snippets and can't wait to see more.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

  4. What fun photos! Looking forward to seeing the 'real' things.

  5. Oh wow that looks very exciting. I love the look of the blue with the pretty flowers. I wonder what that is? She's a lucky girl. Hope you didn't settle for housework and waste all that talent you have!!

  6. Oh looks really intriguing and a very beautiful swap. I'm sure Alexandra will be delight!

  7. This looks like a GORGEOUS swap! Thank you for the comment on my blog, sorry about the pics, they are all on my flickr though :-) Hope you had a good Sunday!
    Becky x

  8. Hi dear Liz,
    I`m home from Copenhagen after looking after my grand-Mathilde :)
    Sweetie, I`m sure Alexandra, are so curius seeing what you send her in your swap, after those teasing wonderfull little snippets, --I can`t wait,too.....
    And thanks for the beautifull images, they are saved in my LIZ map.
    Hope you have had a lovely halloweens evening, friend.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  9. Hi Liz, everything looks so beautiful, what an awesome swap.

  10. The bits and pieces look lovely! By the way, the squares in the last post are beautiful- love the colors and the pattern. If you would ever like to swap the pattern for that with the pattern for the crochet trims I did in my post let me know( even though we might have to convert English to American and vice versa- I think I remember how to do that!).

  11. Pretty pictures, can't wait to see what you sent.

  12. ohhh mein Gott was sind das für tolle Bilder. Ich bin so aufgeregt liebe Liz. die Ausschnitte sind fantastisch und machen mich nur noch neugieriger. Ich freu mich so *tanz*
    Dein Paket geht morgen auf die Reise meine Liebe.
    Ich hoffe deins kommt auch bald an :)
    Ich wünsche dir was
    liebe Grüße Alexandra

  13. All looking very gorgeous over here! An award awaits if you fancy playing along. xox

  14. Hi Liz thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures, I have stored them om my computer. Looking forward to see what you swap.

  15. Yep, that looks like it's going to be a nice swap! I look forward to seeing the full pics. Ive just been pottering too and feeling a bit crafty, afterall its only something like 53 days till Christmas!

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for sharing your wonderful vintage images :) Have a great week!

    Sandy xox

  17. Wieder so schöne Fotos! Und Du hast mich jetzt auch ganz neugierig gemacht, mit dem, was Du Alexandra geschickt hast, hihi! Freue mich schon darauf alles zu sehen! Noch einen schönen Abend, Liz!

  18. Oh what a tease! Now you HAVE to post what the swap contained for sure cause we're all dying to see it all!
    HUGS! Karen


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