Tuesday 26 October 2010

Tesco to the Rescue!

Sunday didn't start too well. We set off for what we think was supposed to be the last regular boot fair for the year, but alas, it was cancelled. It was a gloriously sunny morning, but it had rained the day before and the field was too wet. Wimps, lol. As if a little bit of mud mattered. So we turned round, went home, and had a cup of tea and another look at the paper. And there it was, a little ad saying that there was going to be an afternoon boot sale in the Tesco's car park. Hurrah, maybe the day wouldn't be a complete loss ( boot fair wise that is ). I had only been once to a boot fair there, they are not on regularly, and I wasn't all that impressed with it. Still, anything is better than nothing to a confirmed car boot enthusiast, lol.

My goodness, it was heaving! It had started somewhat earlier than advertised, and because all other boot fairs in the county seemed to have been cancelled due to the weather, it was packed! Great news, of course. It was mostly what I had expected to see, lots of modern stuff like toys, clothes, general modern family stuff, but at least there were a few stalls with older bits and pieces, and I managed to find a couple of sweet things. Nothing that I was really coveting, like lace or buttons unfortunately. But here we go, I'll just show you.

This was the first thing I bought, a really lovely old Maling ware soap dish. I haven't seen this combination before, with the two bowls, I can only think that the smaller bowl was for the soap and the larger one for a flannel perhaps. If anybody knows, please do tell me -

Next was a stall with lots of bling bling. I spent ages there, because the lovely old coot who's stall it was, was sooooooooooo slow taking things out of his little boxes to put them on the table, and he wouldn't let anybody near the box in his hands, lol. I picked up a few bits and pieces, some of them missing a couple of stones, but that doesn't matter too much. I have badly broken bits which I use to repair other pieces with. I picked up three beautiful old medals as well -

I probably spent even more time at another stall, because the stallholder had THREE shoe boxes full of postcards! Most of them were very recent ones, but I did find a couple of cabinet cards and a bunch of lovely old postcards, mostly from 1910/1920s -

The next one really surprised me because it is a French piece, and the last time I was in France I picked up a very similar pen rest and inkwell set, but with the Louvre in the middle. This one has the Sacre Coeur as the centrepiece -

My next find made me smile. It was the perfect colour for the kitchen in France ( light green ), and metal! I hate the plastic ones. What am I talking about? Dustpan and brush set, of course.
This one has a smiley face, isn't it just so cute -

I went back to the first row again, to have another look at the bling bling stall, but there wasn't anything which took my fancy. However, next to that stall was the stall I bought the Maling set from, and I noticed that the soup tureen which I had admired earlier was still on the table. That was it, it was obviously meant for me after all. It had sweet little rose decorations, how could I resist that? It even has a little rose decoration in the bottom of the bowl. Condition was really good as well, and when I turned it over, I saw that it was Wedgewood! Needless to say, I snapped it up and brought it home. Another lovely piece for France.

Bit of an eclectic collection of boot fair goodies, lol, I know.

I also went to a jumble sale on Saturday. There is a good reason why I don't go very often. These sales are the hunting grounds of young mothers with pushchairs, and old ladies with shopping trolleys, in VERY confined spaces. And they develop killer instincts when they are at a jumble sale. They push and shove and elbow you as if their lives depended on it, and getting to a table is nigh on impossible, lol. I only picked up a couple of bits and then beat a very hasty retreat to safer ground outside.

A silver plated tankard, very heavily tarnished, but it had the sweetest engravings, not sure you can see them properly -

Silver plated and monogrammed soup spoons -

A sweet little dressing table ring tray with rose decoration -

This is a bit kitschy, but it appealed to me somehow -

A very old dictionary with beautifully aged pages -

And an autograph album. No autographs in it, but the pages are beautiful, gilt edged and the prettiest pastel colours, pink, blue, yellow and beige. They'll be lovely to use in collages etc -

That's all, folks. And now I am going back to crafting for a little bit. Toodlepip, xxx


  1. You certainly couldn't have left the Wedgwood tureen there, it is beautiful!

  2. I enjoyed seeing all of your finds. Can't say I have a favorite. Lovely

  3. Fantastic finds. Good ol' Tesco. And a jumble sale? I can't even remember the last time I saw one advertised. xx

  4. mais tu dois avoir un château pour pouvoir stocker tout ce que tu achètes dans les brocantes !!!
    tu vas bientôt en ouvrir une ? ou pas ?


  5. WOW!!!! Everything looks so amazing, love all your new goodies.

  6. Great finds, as usual! I agree with you about the dustpan. Beautiful colour! And the soup terrine... *Dream* :)


  7. You are such a great bargain hunter. I'm sorry to say that a Sunday lie-in tempts me more than car boots of late.

  8. What amazing finds!
    And you really hit the lottery with those fantastic old photos, didn't you?

    I've really appreciated your visits lately, you always have the sweetest things to say! :-)

    Big hugs,

  9. I love it...it all looks so beautiful and unique. I am wondering if you are from England.

  10. Wow hast du geil eingekauft!!!! Tolle Teile hast du gefunden. Danke für die fantastischen Fotos meine Liebe.
    Hugs Alexandra

  11. Well didn't you do well consider your first attempt failed! Proof if ever if at first you don't succeed... head to Tesco! ;o)

    Victoria xx

  12. Thank goodness for Tescos!! What fabulous finds this weekend. I do love the dustpan and brush set, very pretty and looks like it would work extremely well too. Well done.

  13. Ah, so you got your 'fix' after all! That IS a relief.;-) Some great finds, I do like the soap and flannel dish at the top and also the tureen. The dustpan and brush almost wants to make you do some house work! Note I said almost...:-)

  14. What a score, very lovely one and all!

    Sandra Evertson

  15. What a good mornings work. I loved the wedgewood dish. Cant remember the last time I went to a jumble sale. They don't hold them very often in our kneck of the woods. I remember as a child going to visit my nan most Saturdays and she would have done her homework before we arrived and had a jumble sale lined up for us to attend. She used to buy lots of woolen jumpers for pennies and wash and unpick them. It would be my job to sit with my arms out holding the skiens of wool while she wound it into ball for re-knitting or crocketing blankets so heavy they had me pinned to my bed.. Jayne

  16. What great stuff you find! The pattern on that tureen reminds me of my haviland set. Beautiful!

  17. A very good morning to the Queen of hoarders!!! ;-)

  18. Wow sweetie, you scored big again- how wonderfull with all the photoes,dear, the jewelry,silver,-and ALL you found, -the tureen is BEAUTIFULL, and I love the pensill holder from France.
    Liz I wont say it anymore....but you know what .......I`m sure :)))

    Thanks for all this yumminess to see.
    Big hug,Dorthe

  19. Great finds, I love those jewelry pieces.
    It's nice to know I'm not the only person that buys things just because they trip my fancy. Of course then I get home and find I have no where to put them, and they end up in a pile on my floor.

  20. Wow! I LOVE the dustpan and broom. The smiley face is just adorable! I love the jewelry too. Oh what I could do with those. The tureen is beautiful. I wouldn't have past it up either.

  21. Those are some wonderful items that you picked up. I totally agree with the metal dust pan, I so dislike the plastic ones yet that is all you can find. I'd love to come over and do all of that flea market shopping. Around here there is very little to be had plus a lot of people are selling clothing too.

  22. You just find the best stuff . . . LOVE that tureen! Did you see the one I found up in Oregon?
    :) Karen


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