Saturday 18 September 2010

France Post 4 - Paper Treasures

I did mention yesterday that I thought books are so precious that they deserve a post of their own. Well, I stuck a couple of other papery goodies in with them as well, thats alright, yes?

I have always loved books ever since my grandmother bought me my first little Pixi books when I was 5 years old. There are thousands of books in our house, in just about every room of the house. Old books have always fascinated me, the beautiful colour of the old paper, the fabulous illustrations, the amazing covers, the feel of the thick, rough, hand cut pages.... I love it all. I didn't find a great many old books which I could afford, but enough to keep me busy for a while, not exactly with reading ( my French really is not good enough for some of these ) but with scanning those wonderful illustrations.

So, without further ado, here they are -

Isn't the colour of this book cover just glorious? -

It has fabulous illustrations.

I can never resist the beautiful small religious books, this one from the end of the 19th Century, is particularly lovely, with the metal clasps and the gilded edges -

This is another religious book, a missel, just look how beautifully each and every page is decorated -

These two small volumes from 1893 may be somewhat tattered, but the illustrations are beautiful, showing glimpses of the life at the end of the 19th Century -

I also found this old music book, in a very bad state, so I won't feel too guilty taking pages out for collage projects ( or perhaps for a Yay-I-am-back-from-France giveaway, lol ) -

This "agenda", diary, from 1903 is fabulous on so many levels, it has great kind of ledger pages, diary pages and the gorgeous salmon coloured, errmm, other pages, lol. I think they are details of solicitors etc -

The next two books have the most gorgeous Art Nouveau covers, I just adore them. The illustrations inside are pretty darned good as well -

The back is just as pretty as the front-

Every chapter is headed with gorgeous images-

Love plates -

This 1954 diary made for really interesting reading -

I also found a few more of these great embroidery leaflets -

Some awesome 19th Century letters -

Postcards, cabinet cards and religious cards -

And the most precious find, this complete, in the case card game, Jeu de Tarot -

The illustrations are quite amazing.

Well, I have just about managed to unpack the largish box with the linens, I'll try and photograph them tomorrow or Monday. Tomorrow's post will be slightly different though, no vide greniers finds, just a bit of nature....

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Dear Liz,
    your letters, and books, are so wonderfull finds.
    The writing so beautifull, and the drawings, are alwayes interesting from what is far older,than the time we are in,now. I so love the old drawings, showing people and their way of dressing ,-or living, and I`m alwayes on the look out, for something like that here.
    Do you ever cut in them, or only scan them in?
    I know I have a hard time cutting,-but sometimes I -dooooo.
    Happy saturday to you dear friend,
    with hugs, and love.

  2. The old books sure do look beautiful. I would love a whole bookcase full of those lovely looking spines. I couldn't help but see that very pretty doily peaking out from under the books! Yes I'm hanging out for the linens now. Or maybe that would be too much for me!

  3. You have some beautiful but fragile books there.

  4. Hi Liz,
    ooh, your killing me over here!!
    I just love old books and your's are just gorgeous. What treasures.
    Love, love the one with the metal closure. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  5. OHHH what fantastic old letters. Your blog is wonderful Liz :)

  6. Goodness Gracious Liz, it is a good thing you didn't have to fly back from France! Well as a book lover as well I can only sigh and drool - no that would never do - over your lovely books. There certainly is something very special and about old books, not only the look but also the physical handling of them that only another book fan can appreciate!

  7. These books are so precious: they told us lots of stories. The ones written by their authors and the ones of those who bougth them a long time ago, who read them...
    I have Fabiola too. It was one of my mother's book and I read it when I was a child.
    Have a nice week end.

  8. Liz, I knew you would bring home some awesome finds! The books and letters are beautiful and I can never resist those vintage postcards. The tartelet tins you showed in your last post are fabulous as well and those lace bobbins are very pretty. I haven't seen any over here yet.
    I'm looking forward to taking a look at your linen treasures :-).
    Have a lovely Monday!

  9. They sure are pretty Lizzie x I have to say the religipous booksa re my fave too...especially if they have coloured illustrations in x x
    Thanks for sharing the prettiness
    Annie x

  10. Liz, What amazing finds! The Art Nouveau cover designs are gorgeous, but my favorites are the Missel's incredible illustrations and the cover of the small book with the metal clasps. You have some true treasures here!


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