Saturday 11 September 2010

Yep, I am back in Blogland!

And I have to say it feels really good, albeit a little strange, writing a blog again after two months of enforced bloglessness. Where to start??? Gosh, there are so many things to write about and so many photos to show, I really don't know where to start. Hmm. Really the first thing to do is to thank you all for the lovely comments on the couple of mimiscule posts I managed during the two months in France. I have just read them, thank you all so very much! It was really heartwarming to see that I hadn't been forgotten and some even missed me. Tehehehe, some of you, naming no names, J and S, might change their minds again pretty soon. I have two months worth of nagging stored up!!!

I am so looking forward to working my way through all of my favourite blogs, ahem, of which there are quite a few, and to catch up with everybody's posts, projects, news, lovely finds etc etc. Might get through by the end of the month, lol!

I have just transferred all the photos from France from camera to computer, geez, digital cameras make it way too easy to go completely nuts. I mean, how on earth did I end up with hundreds and hundreds of photographs??? So where do I start, come on, girls, tell me, please! What sort of photographs should I show first? Piccies of the cottage, of the dogs, of the garden ( well ok, can't really call it garden, lol, a kind word would be meadow, although field is probably more appropriate ), pretty flowers, wildlife, of sunrises and sunsets, of adventurous cows, of gettogethers with friends, of games of boules, pretty little towns, vide greniers finds ( ahem again, I haven't actually photographed many finds yet, so perhaps that will have to wait a wee bit ), of hard working tree surgeons ( my darling son and his colleague ), a couple of finished crochet projects..............

Perhaps I just randomly pick a photo of all the above possibilities and stick them on here, as a kind of appetizer, how would that be? And then you can let me know what you would like to see and hear about first.

Phew, that took a while, but I have picked a few pics, I think from all the above mentioned, and I am not going to stick them in any particular order, but just as I have come across them looking through all the pics. Here goes -

The doggies -

Playing boules at the Fete de Voisins, serious business, lol -

The cottage -

Adventurous cows -

A bit of crochet -

Garden flowers -

Getogether with friends and neighbours -

Spiderweb, I love spiderwebs -

Sunrise over the valley -

Sunset behind our top field -

Men at work -

Vide greniers find, a good length of fabulous tapestry trim, its gorgeous! -

Wildflowers, always have to go and pick some as soon as we get there -

And wildlife, of sorts, a wasp nest -

That's it for now, some time over the weekend I have to try and sort out pics to post, just let me know which ones you would like to see. ok? Now I got to be off and cook dinner.

I am so happy to be back in blogland, lol, and looking forward to hearing from you all!

TOODLEPIP !!! Liz xxx


  1. What beautiful pictures of a beautiful place. Your post was the first to come up on my dashboard and I enjoyed reading it. I also love your crochet project, I am a crocheter too! I will look forward to coming back to visit and see future posts.

  2. Lovely to hear from you! All your news and photos are lovely, but I am smitten with the misty valley sunrise. But obviously, I wouldn't actually say NO to a few VG find photos...

    PS If you would like to enter my mag swap (late) then you coud, 'cos it's you!

  3. Liz,dear-
    great you are back again :) and --- your photoes from your beautifull place in France, so great ,too.
    I would`nt know where to wish starting seing all of them,dear friend,----the match showed here is a perfect blend, so you just keep showing what ,is on your mind when blogging,--So good having you back, sweetie.
    Big hug, Dorthe

  4. Lovely to 'see' you back Liz. Absolutely gorgeous photos of sunrise (especially)and sunset!

    Looking forward to hearing all your news.

  5. Lovely to see you back! I'm in UK right now with random acces to computer, so not blogging much....but enjoying being 'home'.

  6. Hi Liz,
    Welcome back and thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.

  7. Hi Liz,
    good to have you back! Thanks for the wonderful photos.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Missed ya hun!! Loverley pics!!
    Look forward to hearing about your time away x x
    Annie x

  9. Bonjour!
    Beautiful photos....
    Karen x x x

  10. Arggghhhhh she's back!!!!!!!!!! That was a bit sneaky madam! How the heck are you after all this time? Yes I have missed you and our wee chats, Jo did her best but we didn't cope very well. Yes we actually made some stuff instead of chatting all morning!

    I hate to think just how many posts of photos we are going to have to endure. Just kidding! Love that photo of the cottage so I'll be picking that topic if I may. Think village photos would be rather lovely too.

    Anyway must catch up with you in the morn perhaps. Love to you xxx

  11. Liz, WELCOME HOME! We missed you!
    In case you didn't get my email while you were gone....the CHOPPER has a place of honor in our kitchen!!
    You were so kind to find one for me, and even a French one! Can I live up to the level of cuisine it has prepared? Time will tell!
    Blessings and glad you're home safe and sound.
    Hugs, Diane


    Gorgeous pics. look forward to more.

    hugs and blessings

    barbara jean

  13. Welcome back - an excellent selection of pics I'd say! Love the spider's web and the sunrise/set ones and that crochet is lovely. Well the were all great - looks as if you had a wonderful time.


  14. Lovely to see your back Liz, I love the crochet cushion !

  15. Welcome back my dear! I love your posts but fear that the upcoming 'French' ones are going to make me VERY jealous. Having spent another summer holiday on the other side of the channel Husband & I long for a little place over there. Now, where is last night's LOTTO ticket?!

  16. Lovely pics. AHEM, did I or did I not mention that I suspected all along you were delegating while others slaved away? Heehee, your own pics have proved it, lol.

    Very pretty cushion, now where's the pic of the other one? Gimme.

    Sarah, hold onto your hat, she's in fine nagging fettle :-o I have the sore ear to prove it.

    JJ xx

  17. Welcome back Liz!
    It looks like your cottage will be featured soon in Country Living magazine from your wonderful pictures!
    ..I'd echo Floss and ask for VG finds first..thanks :)

  18. Hi Liz, Oh so nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by, visiting and becoming a follower. I have so enjoyed my visit here on your lovely blog and now a happy follower too. Your pics are wonderful and so interesting.
    Sounds like you had a special trip.
    See you soon.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  19. Welcome back, Liz! It looks like you had a wonderful time in France and I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures! I love your cute flower wellies!!!

  20. Welcome back. Looks like you've been having a lovely time. Gorgeous photographs.

  21. I've added a link to you from my artblog 'nigeArt' with the cobweb photo, but if you don't agree, please don't hesitate to tell me and I will delete, no problem, hugs

  22. that spiderweb is FABULOUS! I can smell the bouquet. Sunset - almost as good as sunrise . . .
    Did you go to the flea markets while you were there?
    Do you own the cottage?
    :) Hugs! Karen


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