Wednesday 7 February 2018

Looking back to Spring and Summer in France Part 2 (May)

It is bitterly cold this morning here on the Channel coast, so I am cheering myself up with another look back at France 2017. Done April, so its May next :-). Be prepared for a whole month's worth of photos, lolol.

May 2017, what a wonderful month it was. Our youngest son drove out to visit us very early on in May, he loves the cottage and being surrounded by all the peace and quiet of the countryside so much. The dogs of course, were very happy to see him

The mornings were often very misty and with an eery atmosphere 

Our closest neighbours, the Charolais cows, were enjoying all the fresh new greens

and I was enjoying the first flower on my newly planted peony

while Hector was enjoying his first outing on his lounger

10th May, and we planted out some brassica ( and boy, did they turn out great! )

The weather was pretty good and by the middle of May, the grass and wildflowers were growing like crazy. I adore the daisies

Every day, the view from the cottage presents a different scene, always beautiful

and our Poppy girl loves nothing better than sitting in the lower field, admiring the view and watching the world go by

whilst Hector sorts out the settee and plays at being a couch potato

Mind you, they both like their creature comforts. They don't mind sprawling out on the grass 

but they do prefer their very own outdoor beds, lolol. Hector has his own lounger, and we had to build Poppy her own sandpit bed, because she kept laying down on every bit of freshly dug ground in the veggie patch or flower beds

Flowers, aaah yes. I don't have a flower garden, our so called garden is more of a field, lol, but I do have a couple of new rose borders and I do love my flowers in pots and baskets. Some of the roses first

another newly planted peony

and my beloved antique flower trolly, flower bed and pot plants

My potted herb garden by the front door

One of the great delights of being at the cottage, sitting outside with good friends, enjoying food, wine and great views

oh, and being able to hang huge pieces of knotted lace on the washing line in the garden, can't do that at home in the UK

Love love love salads for lunch, of course eaten under the trees in the garden

Some of nature's beauty collected to be admired indoors

And I leave you with these amazing shades of green on one of our trees


  1. When it's cold and snowy, I like to look back too. These photos take me to a warmer, more colorful place and I can tell your times were filled with joy.

  2. Hi Liz,
    Glad to see you back blogging. I love your sweet cottage and surroundings. Your flowers are amazing. I'm sure there are so many wonderful memories being made there. Looks like the fur babies are very content and maybe a little spoiled.

  3. You've taken such wonderful photos. I want to be there.

  4. Your flowers were gorgeous and I love the big trees on your property. Beautiful nature finds, too! The doggies look so cute! It's funny that they have such different preferences when it comes to a comfy outdoor place to nap.
    xo Julia

  5. Wow tolle Bilder ! Und deine Hundchen sind soooooo süß und zum knuddeln

  6. A huge load of beauty, dear friend...
    family and friends, gathering, lovely food being created- gorgeous roses, and flowers in your garden/ field :-) your doggies, loving it all, and your wonderful nature collections, Liz.
    Such a fantastic months !!
    Hugs to you,

  7. I don't often get around to following up my Bloglovin links but when saw your blog come up on the list I just had to come and look, and have ended going way back through your wonderful posts! looking forward to seeing more! Chrisx

  8. Oh, I love the knotted lace!! is that two pieces and do you still have them??
    so pretty! I need long piece of lace!


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