Tuesday 6 February 2018

100 Years ago

One hundred years ago, ( some ) women were finally granted the right to vote. Without the amazing efforts and sacrifices of the Suffragettes this would not have happened and we owe them our undying gratitude and admiration.

A few years ago, I bought a beautiful fabric and lace book which was dedicated to the Suffragettes and I thought I would share it with you today to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of that momentous day.

It was created by a lovely lady called Chris Flynn and I bought it from her Etsy shop My Irish Gipsy, the only fabric and lace book I ever bought other than the exquisite creations by Suzy Q. ( from her Etsy shop suziqu ).

I'll let the photographs speak for themselves - 

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Both beautiful and fascinating. We all owe a huge debt to these courageous women who put their lives on the line every day so we could have the right and privilege of being able to vote. I didn't realize the timing. Thank you for sharing it!

  2. We truly owe them a huge debt, like Jeanie said. These women had so much courage to fight for our rights as women. How wonderful that Chris made such a beautiful tribute book to these women! Thank you for sharing it with us, dear Liz, it's a good reminder for us to be grateful for the rights we women have today and take for granted. Big hugs xx

  3. It can not have been easy, back then - standing up for womens rights, being classified as rabidly women and surely did not have much help or understanding from most men , I suppose.
    This beautiful book you bought dear Liz, is a fantastic prove of that ,- and also shows that we are both strong and persistent , as well as feminine and soft in the soul when it comes to things like beautiful dresses, laces- and much more.
    Thank you for showing your treasure .
    Warm hugs, Dorthe

  4. Hello Liz,
    What a wonderful tribute to these women who fought for us all to be free. It is such a beautiful presentation of history, and the lace fits the times too. No wonder you were tempted to buy this gorgeous book! I love the quotes - they are so powerful. Thanks for showing us this treasure! What an inspiration these women were.
    Love and hugs,
    Jesse XXX


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