Tuesday 1 September 2015

Rainy Day Crafting

We had a massive thunderstorm last night, and it is still raining today on and off. The water butts are full, the veggies are drinking up the rain, and the yellow courgettes are being checked morning and evening now to make sure we don't get any more monsters :-).

I love being in the craftavan when its raining, it is cosy and somehow more inspiring and productive. I made this week's Tag Tuesday tag, Blues and Browns, and also the Linen and Lace ATCs for Kimberly's September swap ( see sidebar ).

Please do tell me, which background do you prefer for the Blues and Browns theme this week? I really can't decide -

Blue, brown or white-ish?

Linen and Lace is a wonderful theme of course, and I had such a good time making these ATCs. I finally got to use some of the lovely images and words my friends Dorthe and Rhonda had made a long time ago, and I used some beautiful antique laces on the cards as well. Can't use my sewing machine at the moment, so everything had to be glued ( fingers crossed that it all stays glued, lol ) -

I am going to the kitchen now to wrestle one of yesterday's monsters into the soup pot! Toodlepip xxx


  1. Loving your Bluebird of Happiness tag! Linen and Lace ATCs are exquisite. I am also participating and wondered how I would put the laces on the linen. My thought and design is right in line with what you have created. Lovely day to you...

  2. Such gorgeous tags - I love the blue bird one and I think it looks fab against all the colours! The linen and lace ones are so pretty and I love your vintage images, especially the lady in the magnificent hat! Thank you so much for visiting my blog earlier, I hope you have a lovely week.

  3. Gorgeous!! The tag, the ATCs, everything! I love love the blue birdie. And I love the addition of the beautiful tatting at your ATC. Which makes me think of tatting again, which reminds me I still promised someone to make a tatted cross... Good luck with your wrestling! Hope you'll win :) Hugs xxx

  4. Meine Liebe Das ist wirklich ein traumhaft schönes TAG
    Die ATCs Sind ja auch super gut gelungen gefallen mir richtig gut
    Liebe Grüße Alex

  5. Oh, the bluebird tag is gorgeous! I think you should make all three! I love the brown and whitish backgrounds, but that blue is very pretty, too. And the Paris tags are amazing!! I think I NEED to buy one from you! That little crown is adorable!!!


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