Monday 31 August 2015

Monsters in my Garden!

I decided this morning to hand wash some of the lace I had bought a while ago. It was a hot sunny day again, with a little breeze coming up from the valley, so a good day to hang out washing. And no, these white bits dangling from the line looking like ancient mummy wrappings are not the monsters of the post title, lol, they are sweet crochet laces and beautifully hand stitched broderie anglaise -

A little while ago we had a couple of days with a goodly amount of rain. The last few days have been really hot again, temps in the mid/high 30s. So last night I decided to water the veggie patch as the forecast for today was hot hot hot. All went well for a half hour or so while I watered the tomatoes, the beans, the cavolo nero.......... and then I got to the yellow courgette. Good grief, I almost fainted when I saw those courgettes, they were monsters! Three days ago, when I checked, they were dinky little yellow courgettes, last night, they were giants, monstrous giants -

Bigger than my beautiful Sussex trugg, longer than my hand and forearm together, and weighing an absolute ton. How could that have happened in three days?

I was going to use a yellow courgette for tonight's roasted vegetables dinner,

but I picked a small one for that, lol, these giants were just too big. They'll be in a big pot of vegetable soup tomorrow with leeks and onions and chilis, and sprinkled with crispy fried lardons ( bacon bits ).

Off to bed now, its almost midnight and I am so tired, but I had to finish listing a few things in my Etsy shop and showing them on the vintageland blog.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. yummy! both the lace and the monsters :) your gorgeous lace is looking so nice there. and courgette happens to be one of my favourite veggies. homegrown are even better!

  2. It is amazing how the courgettes suddenly grow! One minute they are tiny, turn your back and they have blown up to giant size!

  3. Oh Liz
    Those laces blowing in the breezes there have a history none of us will ever know but hopefully you have some wonderful plans for them!
    The moral of the story about growing courgettes is that you can never turn your back on them as even when you're sleeping they they turn into monsters but that's OK because they make perfect food for the chooks when you can't eat them due to their enormous size! Chickens for you one day sometime in the future!
    Loved every single image of your last post but just haven't had time to leave a comment yet!!!
    xox Suzy

  4. It always reminds me of simpler days when I hang fabrics or laces out to dry like you did. Right? A nice breeze to gently dry each piece, it's a beauty in it's own.

    WOW, your veggies are HUGE...enjoy them now for when winter arrives...well, you know you will miss them.

  5. Love love the laces, Lulu!!!
    So pretty, dancing in the breeze as they are. My my , I see how your garden grows!!! Huge! Wonderful! Your veggies look so yummy, I need to get out to the garden and get some squash.
    Thanks for the inspiration.


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