Monday 8 June 2015

Whirlwind Days

Since we got back from France, it has been a whirlwind of appointments. Hospital, dentist, doctor, optician, vet, you name it, we had an appointment for it, lol. We tried to cram as much as possible into the 2 1/2 weeks we planned to stay in the UK. In between all the appointments for both of us, I am trying to get some of the brocante finds listed so that my darling son can post them from the UK when they sell. I looked at some of the photos I took in France, and realised that I hadn't even posted the last few brocante pics I took in the garden! Doh! So here are the finds from, errm, probably one Sunday 3 weeks ago, lol -

There are many more things I didn't get to photograph in France, and I probably won't have time to photograph them all this time round in the UK, so they might have to wait until September. But at least some of the items in these pics will make it into the shop :-).

Wishing you all a wonderful week and good news for all of you waiting for news of some kind. 

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Dear Liz, just had to have a look, even I`m so tired now !! Thank you dearest for your note to me. How much is the bracelet ,Liz, it is so adorable, and how much are some of all the tickets and tags from France ? I would love some of theese, and the bracelet is so too sweet!
    Love from me, and soon goodnight from here, lol. xxx

  2. You're having a very busy time in the UK, Lizzie. Oh my, these are lots of fun finds. The oil cans are super cute, the rusty curtain holders are adorable as are those brass pieces and of course the tickets.
    I've just sent you an email.
    Have a sunny day :)!

  3. Be still my heart:)Wonderful finds, dear Liz.
    Love the tickets. Have a wonderful day.

  4. How fun...just loving all the fun items you are displaying.I think you did very well. I've a soft heart for rosary items and that holy water fountain is precious...hardly ever see them any more anywhere. I still have mine from my childhood. Hopefully you are done for a year with appointments, not one of my favorite ways to spend a day. Enjoy a lovely day

  5. Oh Liz, you did it again, what a great eye you have for beautiful treasures!
    hugs and JOY,

  6. Such wonderment,




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