Tuesday 23 June 2015

Seeing GREEN

We are back in France at our beloved cottage on the hill! We got back a few days ago, but since then, have been so busy in the garden, I haven't had a chance to do much on the computer. 

While we were away for 16 days, our wonderful friends Frank and Christine and Peter and Andrea looked after our veggie patches and flower pots and watered almost every day. I am so very grateful to them, without them most of my little seedlings would have keeled over in the heatwave they had here for a few days, and died. Instead, we came back to an amazing sight, lush greens and veggies which were already starting to produce. Of course, the weeds enjoyed the regular waterings as well, lol, just look at the photos! I have been spending the last few days trying to get on top of them, and it is looking much tidier now than in these photos I took the day after we arrived -

This is the patch where we grow our climbing beans, a few different varieties of tomatoes ( hidden behind the beans ), and smaller stuff, like rainbow beetroot, cavolo nero, red onions, red brussel sprouts, and also a few yellow courgettes

The raspberries grow along the fence behind the patch -

I picked loads, along with whitecurrants, blackcurrants, wild strawberries and wild cherries ( from a tree at Frank and Christine's place ) and made a couple of oh so delicious English summer puddings.

The other vegetable patch has mostly big stuff. Well, plants that grow big, lol, and trail everywhere, like butternut squash, courgettes ( zucchini ), patisson, which look like little flat white spaceships, another variety of small squash for stuffing, name of which escapes me for the moment, doh, and cucumbers. Also a few peas, and rainbow swiss chard -

I also have a few chili plants sprinkled about here and there, we do love spicy food -

Both our little fig treelets are doing so well and their fruits are getting big! -

And the rose I bought a few weeks ago is flowering so beautifully -

Thats all for now, I need to get back to the weeding :-) ! But I do have some rather beautiful things to share with you tomorrow - a couple of things I ordered from two Etsy shops......

NORMAL BLOGGING WILL RECOMMENCE SOON !!! I really will try very hard, I have so much catching up to do, favourite blogs to read and comment on, Tag Tuesday tags to make ( omg, I have missed so many, sob sob ), and Kimberly's latest ATC swap to prepare for.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh to have such wonderful friends looking after your superb vegi patch in your absence - saving the day and protecting all of your hard work at the beginning! How special is that?
    Everything you are growing there looks so healthy and happy - it must be just the perfect spot capturing all the magnificent sunshine possible.

    There are very simple pleasures in life that are as important as these Liz. We adore our vegi garden here and every single day even in Winter here at present I can pick a handful of fresh greens for lunch and dinner. Blessed indeed!
    You have some unusual varieties I will need to chat about sometime.

    Sorry I missed you dear friend - our internet is finally functioning again for me to at least write to you here.
    Talk again v. soon!
    Much love and sunny hugs,
    PS Is that a David Austin rose - what an absolute beauty. She looks familiar!

  2. Oh Liz, your gardens are spectacular!
    JOYful summer days my friend.

  3. My dear Liz, I am amazed to see such a lot of beautiful and healthy vegetable and fruiet, kreuter , and flowers.
    You have been lucky with the weather to already have so much coming from your garden, and so many different species, to cook wonderful meals with.
    Also as Suzy write, it all looks so healthy, and with no track of snails, or other intruders, lol- must be heaven there, sweetie.
    I hope you recieved my thank you letter ,that I recieved your wonderful gifts dear Liz, if not I will resend it my friend?
    Here today we celebrate Sct.Hans where we make a fire and burn the witch !!!!!
    Unluckily it is grey and with black skyes coming this way, so not much fun with bonfires, today !!
    Have a wonderful rest of the week dear friend. I send you many hugs and much love.
    Dorthe, xxx

  4. Your veggie patches look wonderful, Lizzie! There will be lots to harvest. How sweet of your friends to take good care while you were gone. It would have been a shame if all those plants would have dried up. Enjoy your veggie meals and the yummy summer puddings!

  5. How very JOYful to be back at your French cottage. Your gardens are gorgeous and producing lots of wonderful foods. You really do have amazing neighbors to water and encourage such green growth. I believe you will gift them with some homemade puddings or such. Summer Sunshine Smiles...

  6. There is no better taste than veggies from your own garden. Our tomatoes were wonderful this spring! We picked some just this morning but as our days get hotter I'm sure we will lose some.

    Your garden is fabulous, my friend. ENJOY EMBRACE and EAT!!!

  7. Liz, I know how happy you are to be back in France... I think I've been depressed since I got back from Germany! LOL Not truly, but everything feels like work around here. Doing dishes at my daughters is fun!!! Guess I better change my attitude!!!
    Hugs! Dear friend!


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