Friday 1 May 2015

On a French Hill Top

Well, here I am, sitting in the cottage with the heating going full blast, because the beautiful Spring weather we were enjoying a while ago has completely deserted us. Today, May 1st, is a big day in France, and I was looking forward to visiting a few brocantes. But the weather gods were incredibly mean. It has been raining practically non stop for the last 24 hours and it is so cold.

To cheer myself up, and because I can't do anything outside, I looked through some photographs I took a while ago, when the weather was rather nicer, and spent some time editing them. 

I always take the dogs out for a little walk first thing in the morning, and every day, the view of the valley below us is so excitingly different. I took these photos probably 10 days ago. Our cottage was bathed in sunshine, yet he valley was filled with a thick layer of cloud again. Slowly, the clouds rose and kind of dissolved into thin layers which drifted up and up and finally embraced our cottage -

I just adore that kind of beautifully diffused soft light, when the sun filters through the mist.

I don't have any flower beds at the cottage, but I try and make up for it by filling pots and tubs with flowers and different herbs -

The wisteria is flowering -

and the very first rose appeared on one of the rose bushes -

I took the photos after we had had a few days of marvellous sunshine and warmth, and everything had grown like crazy. Fruit was setting on the blackcurrants and white currants -

figs started appearing on our tiny fig tree -

and the strawberries started flowering -

Even my little salad plants were growing! -

And best of all, my seeds started sprouting, yay! -

So, while I sit here looking out at a very soggy French hill top, I think back to those lovely sunny days and hope that they will return real soon. I need sunshine!

I hope the sun shines on you wherever you are. Toodlepip xxx


  1. I love your cottage. You flowers are pretty also. We still have snow here. Spring is late this year. I wish you a nice summer. xo

  2. So Beautiful! I love the foggy mist and all the flowers in containers. I don't think my strawberries look quite like that yet! I'd better check before I leave for my trip!
    Such a beautiful area your cottage is in, I always love to see your pictures of it!

  3. And, I bought a white heart like yours when I was in Germany at christmas time!
    Fun, huh!

  4. Hi Lizzy, I'm so sorry that your brocante plans hadn't worked out. What a bummer! Maybe you've more luck tomorrow.
    Your garden looks wonderful. I love all your flowers and I have wisteria envy. They always look pretty but especially in front of such a lovely old stone wall.
    Sending hugs and best wishes for some sunshine,

  5. Hello my dear Liz,-
    we hav e had such a very cold week,too- but today the sun shines, so even I had to wear my coat outside, it looks much more friendly .
    What beautiful pictures, you are showing us, my friend, your landscape photoes are amazing with the clouds and the mist, and all the beautiful flowers you have outside your house, looks wonderful and so cozy. No roses has sprung here yet,and it will only be in June , so you are far ahead in yout French home, also the salats are not even put into the soil yet, and no figs yet, (yes we do haVE a fig tree, here, which gives us lots of lovely figs ).
    I hope you can soon enjoy sunny weather and brocantes again dearest.
    Hugs and kisses to you.

  6. Oh what a wonderful way to spend a long needed break today. Your photos are lovely. Love your little cottage and your scenery is diving. We had that cold weather last week. So beautiful the past 4 days. I've been living and working OUTDOORS. The old body is aching ! Got to spend time with girl friends flee marketing yesterday and a wonderful stop at the flower shop. So a planting I will be. Thanks for sharing your awesome surroundings...Have a wonderful weekend too.

  7. Oh absolutely adorable photos Liz of your garden and views way beyond over the hills through the mist, fog and clouds.
    The sweet pots bring so much colour to your beautiful cottage.
    I loved seeing your little seedlings coming along. You've done well and oh that wisteria looks so beautiful against the wall there.
    Sunshine hugs dear friend,

  8. I love your blog- it's so inspiring! I live in the Urals - it's the Central Russia and the weather here is rather severe. It's pleasure to look at your delicate flowers and healthy, boyant salad plants! Have a nice day!


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