Monday 4 May 2015

Doesn't time fly...

... when you are having fun? I can't believe we are into May already. A week ago yesterday, we took part in the annual Randonnee de Cuzy again. The French love their organised walks, it seems every village/town hosts a randonnee, and because Cuzy is a tiny village very close to us, we love their organised walks in our area. Usually, there is a kind of half way station right at the end of our lane where it joins the road and the further you get into the day, the merrier things get in the large tent :-). But more about that later.

Sunday morning we met up with a bunch of our neighbours, at the village hall -

We all agreed on the shortest route, 9.2km. There are usually three routes to chose from, a short, medium and crazy long one ( 23km or thereabouts ). We were so lucky with the weather. The forecast had been for thunderstorms and day long rain, but as you can see, it was actually sunny and fairly warm, perfect walking weather. The three coloured arrows are for the three different routes, btw. You do have a map as well with the route marked, but the arrows at cross roads etc are very helpful.

We always see this farm when driving to the nearest little town, but I had never walked past it. The route took us up and behind the farm -

I adore old doors and shutters, I just had to stop and take these pics and then run to catch up with the others. Me running, oh dear :-) -

This is Bob, adorable little Bob, the dog of our wonderful neighbours and friends Annick and Olivier, who coped with the walk so much better than I did, lol -

It was so lovely to walk past all the sweet wild flowers -

Another farm, in the middle of the glorious Bourgogne country side -

Wherever you look, there is so much beauty -

You come across some strange creatures on these walks. Now I  know that Bourgogne is very well known for their escargots ( vineyard snails ) because of their size, but giant ones? Really? -

Cottages are dotted about, hidden away down little lanes -

This one had the most enormous Wisteria growing opposite it -

Our region is famous for the beautiful white Charolais cows, but lately, we have seen more of these gorgeous brown cows in the area as well -

For a short while in the Spring, a lot of the green fields turn yellow with dandelions -

before they turn white with the dandelion seed heads -

Things got a little ( well, a lot really, lol ) muddy for a while -

But we were soon back on solid ground and heading for the half way post ( and our cottage, where our doggies were waiting for me ) -

I don't often see my DH running :-) -

but I suppose when the half way tent is near, its worth it, lol. Made it! -

The village provides drinks ( water, orange juice, wine, and more wine, lol ) and snacks ( apples, cake, cheese of course, salami, sweets and various other bits and pieces ), so stopping at the half way point is quite a sociable affair -

I staid for ten minutes or so, and then wombled back a few metres down the lane to stay with my doggies while the others carried on. I think the bit I did was about 5.5km, that was quite enough for me, and anyway, the doggies needed me!

Once the others had completed the walk, Andy came back in the car and took me back down to the village for the 'repas', lunchtime meal in the village hall. 
I love all these local events.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. I remember well the Randonnee from last year and all the amazing scenic photos you took of your beautiful Cuzy and once again here you are again showing us more and even closer images of some of the farm houses and surrounds.
    Oh everything looks so lush and green and so healthy.
    Funny seeing little Bob striding along dragging his master too.
    I thought Poppy and Hector would adore this walk - even the shorter distance but you did it Liz - good on you.
    It's such a fantastic idea to get to know your neighbours, local knowledge and the beautiful countryside.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful day.
    Now back to the garden I take it!
    xox Suzy

  2. Such fun! You have amazing neighbor get togethers in your "Neck of the French Countryside"! Beautiful pictures of lovely countryside...**big sigh**...I am so sad that I won't be able to make it there this summer! I will be thinking of you fro Germany!

  3. Hello my dear Liz, I`m missing a photo of you among all the others , but am so enjoying all the beautiful landscape pictures you show. What a soft and kind landscape, so green and inviting- and love reading your text too, your sense of fun can not be denied here, the snail is fantastic, lol.
    Must be a lovely get together, even I would also not walk more that the 5 ,5km!!
    I`m sure the lunch was great, too.
    Here it is RAINING very much, so a wet kiss from Dorthe

  4. What a fantastic walk! You have definitely made me look forward to next month when we are travelling to see my Sister in law near Poitiers via a few nights each in Troyes, Orleans and Tours - an adventure for us as we are going from place to place by train!! We should get to see plenty of the countryside from the windows! I've been promised a decent Brocante too, as last time we went over there was only a small one on!! Glad the weather stayed fine - I agree that 5.5km is a sensible walk! Chrisx


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