Thursday 5 March 2015

Paper Artsy Challenge - Miniature Art

Hmm, I wouldn't exactly call my little project art, but it is miniature. A miniature book, to be precise. I was inspired by a really gorgeous miniature book one of the designers on the Paper Artsy blog had created ( HERE ), and once I had book in my head, I couldn't get it out again. Oh, but my muse is still playing dark and dirty games with me, I think she must be keeping really bad company lately. Look what she made me do! -

A little book of creepy dolls

( and I have to admit that damaged doll heads really do creep me out, shudder shudder )


Do you love or hate damaged dolls? Do they creep you out or do you want to cuddle them better? :-)

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh Liz I love your little book with creepy doll heads and the doll on the front is really scary, a wonderfully piece of art.

  2. UHHH, they make me feel some kind of creepyness, I have to admit.... but I also in same time want to hug !!!!
    Liz, your book is wonderful, love the front, with the foil, and the poor little "dirty" doll. and love your pages have different sizes.
    Isen`t it fun to be a "bad girl" now and then- tehehehe !!
    Evening hugs from Dorthe I have to take care that you are not infecting me-LOL.

  3. I like your little book. Where did you get the Doll heads? A lot of imagination you have. Great job.

  4. Hi Liz,
    They are so creepy that they are cute! Very sweet little book and beautifully designed.


  5. Okay, not gonna lie, I usually do not like the creepy doll thing. However, in this case, maybe because it's small, I am all in to your dolly book! Adorable is not quite the right word, is it?


  6. Liz,
    This is so funny, I just had to laugh at all those creepy doll faces. Great project.

  7. I find the damaged dolls a little unsettling but nevertheless fascinating! Great little book!

  8. Maybe I'm mad, but they didn't look creepy to me- just worn.There is a house in Ballarat(Australia), that has broken china, old doll faces etc stuck into the mortar of the house.I love that!!

  9. This is awesome, i love it..creepy dolls are right up my street. (Not literally up my street, cos if there were creepy dolls walking up my street i am not sure I could cope with that lol)

  10. Your little book is amazing, dear Liz. Have a great weekend.

  11. I love your work, but ugh!, that last doll really creeps me out. These would be great for Halloween gifts. Blessings

  12. I would love the book more without the creepy dolls but I love the amazing pages you have made to put them on!! Chrisx

  13. a lovely little book but the doll without any eyes is definitely on the creepy side xx

  14. Liz,
    Love the tiny book! I am not a huge fan of creepy dolls, but I do have some old dolls that I love, they were mine as a child so they don't creep me out. That last doll looks like one they took the picture of to be creepy....the frozen Charlotte on the front is beautiful, however, That one just looks like you just excavated yourself and placed in on your book front. I remember taking my older sisters dolls that were worn looking and dressing them up and wrapping them in blankets, I used to put bandaids on the broken spots. I had forgotten about that know took them to the "hospital" to get better. But then gave up on them, I think the creepy doll feeling came from watching too many creepy doll Twilight Zone episodes! LOL
    Love all the pages and embellishments...except that last doll. I am not a fan of scaring myself at ALL!

  15. Lovely mini album. Awesome cover page and beautiful inside, I'm very inspired by your great works. xx

  16. You had me hooked from the title, so I'm IN! Love your books, love the creepy dolls, actually they make me laugh...that's probably wrong too!!! But the rebel in me always loves the quirky and unusual! Live the wire, the not perfect everything, and especially that the creepy dolls are happy at the end of the book!! ~Leandra

  17. Your little book is just amazing - I love the little doll on the front and have a few broken ones myself. I also love your pages, they are beautiful and have so much detail on them. I get quite creeped out by masks so the only doll that makes me feel a little uncomfortable is the one with no eyes!

  18. My, my, Liz!!! I said I would have to pluck up courage to look at this project and heck, did I need it!!! You really do have a dark side, lol! Fabulous work as always but way too scary for Superwuss (aka me!).
    Carolyn xx

  19. The title of the post under the Paperartsy link up intrigued me so I had to come visit... think I'm with the 'find them slightly creepy' gang... but your book is fabulous!

  20. Love your miniature art, the dols are fantastic and the front cover is fabulous. Love it. Tracy x

  21. This is wonderful !! I love it.

  22. Hi Liz
    I'm slowly surfacing from underneath a huge pile of fabrics, laces, doilies, trims, braids, images, paper pages and now a finished book! PHEW!
    This tiny book is just gorgeous and I love each and every doll's face I see there and yes I want to take them and cuddle them better naturally!
    Love the front page the effects and the copper wire!
    Book hugs,

  23. I love the "little" book. I think my decision changes as to how my mood is striking me. Here I liked the display, but I've had times where "oh no'. Thanks for sharing a fun project. Have a wonderful weekend, I'm off to catch up on home duties.


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