Wednesday 4 March 2015

ATC Swap Parisian Beauty

You may remember that I made some ATCs for Kimberly's Parisian Beauty ATC swap quite a while ago, see this blog post. Unfortunately, my little package never made it to Kimberly, perhaps the very severe weather conditions had something to do with. But, being the fabulous hostess Kimberly is, she still included me in the swap and sent me some extras she had received. I am sure they were meant for her, and I am so very grateful that she passed them on to me. And here they are, together with a beautiful gift from Kimberly -

This first one was made by Cassie and it is fabulous -

The next one was made by Sylvia. So beautiful, and it came with some lovely little paper treats -

The third one was made by Maggie and what a beauty it is! I also loved the way it was sent, with this gorgeous fabric ribbon wrapped round the tissue paper-

And as always, Kimberly included a gift from herself. I couldn't believe what she had sent to us swappers! I received this sweet little dress form holding the most delightful blingy danglies! Aren't they the prettiest earrings? -

Thank you so much, Kimberly, for being such a very generous, kind hostess, I love your swaps!

In the package I also received a couple of items I had bought in Kimberly's Etsy shop. A while ago, she had an incredibly generous sale, which enabled me to buy a couple of things without risking going over import threshold (£15) and incurring huge charges. I am thrilled to bits with the two beautiful collages I got from her,beautifully wrapped in this gorgeous tissue paper -

I just loved the quote on this one, maybe because I brought up three sons.

And isn't this one just so delightful? -

You can find her blog HERE and there are links which will take you to her beautiful Etsy shops.

I am getting ready to go back to our cottage in France next week. Oh my, decisions, decisions, what crafty stuff will I take? One suitcase, thats all. How to condense a whole craft room into one suitcase? 

Toodlepip xxx


  1. How kind of Kimberley to send you a little gift swap.

  2. OH Liz ,that last sentence made me wonder why I did not ask you, if you was home on the 17th or in France... well too late, as you will see from my other comment!! I`m so sorry !
    Also sorry your beautiful ATC`s was missed for the swap!!!
    Kimberly made the most wonderful gift for you all, she is the sweetest always, and the two collages you have bought are so beautiful. I also have to "fight" with the import treshold here ,-in DK it is even lower : only 8 pound!!!!
    Liz you recieved the most beautiful ATC`s from everyone.
    Warm hug from Dorthe

  3. Liz, I am so happy that everything reached you safely and I hope that the missing ATCs won't keep you from joining again.
    hugs and JOY,

  4. I love the ATCs! What a sweetheart to share with you! I'll bet she eventually gets your package....I have received packages or letters up to 9 months after they were stamped! only a couple of times, but you never know. I did have one package never arrive, it was delivered to a different house and we never found out where. whomever got it, didn't try to find us. I adore the Believe tag...the velvet leaves and flowers and the gold fringe and applique...just love the neutrals with the gold added. How about I ship part of my sewing room to you in France? ! You may need another Craftavan, however! Hubby would LOVE for me to send it ...all of it! LOL
    hugs, Have a wonderful time in France! I am sure it will such a fun spring and early summer there!


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