Thursday 11 July 2013

Where Bloggers Create 2013 - The Craftavan

Welcome and bienvenue! For the very first time I am taking part in the Where Bloggers Create event. Had to, lol, I was being told to in no uncertain terms by so many friends.

For those of you who don't know me, I have to explain a little - we have two homes, one in the UK on the lovely Sussex Channel coast, and one in France, in beautiful Burgundy, where we are at the moment. We tend to spend a couple of months at a time here at the cottage, but I don't have a studio as such here. What I do have is my CRAFTAVAN, a little old two person caravan, which stands in our top field. Every time we come to the cottage, I pack one suitcase with craft supplies for the craftavan. Some things stay there permanently, like fabrics and a few bits and pieces, but most of the stuff has to be packed up again and taken back to England, so that I can use it there.

This is the craftavan -

My sewing room is huuuuuuuuuuge, the whole of the top field, lol, but only on sunny days ;-) -

First look through the doorway -

Quick look back at the sewing room and the beautiful views -

And step inside!

Let me take you on 360 degree tour through the craftavan, all you need to do is stand still and slowly turn....... actually, you can't do much more than stay in one place and turn on the spot, lol.

Look to your left as soon as you step in and this is what you'll see -
A beautiful collage made by Sonya and little notes from bloggy friends-

My cutting table/ computer desk with fabric stored in the cupboards above -

A little wooden box from a brocante filled with dyed scrim and lace in one half and completed challenge tags and inchies in the other-

and of course you will see more beautiful gifts from friends -

 On the little shelf, a small collection of wooden cotton reels -

Turn slightly to your right so that you are straight again, and ahead of you is the door to the tiny shower room, which is my store room for the suitcase and various other bits and pieces, like the sewing machine when not in use and the heater for the winter. All sorts of wonderful gifts from bloggy friends are attached to that door -

Next to the shower/storage cubicle is a little wardrobe, which is full of cushions and blankets and socks, lol, yes thick socks for winter creative session. On the side of the shower/storage cubicle you can see ATCs from some of last year's swaps organised by ArtJoyStuff, and on the wardrobe door is the most amazing hanging organiser my dear friend Alexandra made for me, as well as a beautiful angel and collage from my beautiful Dorthe, and the most exquisite heart from my dearest Suzy. It is filled with supplies, little gifts from people and has my two fabric cuffs on it as well -

This gorgeous brooch was sent to me by my dear friend Marie when she heard that I was planning a mermaid journal, 
and this leads very nicely to the next stage of the 360 tour, just turn ever so slightly to your right and you will see my mermaid inspiration corner -

Incredible collages and the most divine fabric book from Suzy to inspire, help and get me past my journal anxiety, some gorgeous silk sari ribbons and of course my big box of all the wonderful things I have collected for the mermaid journal, including such lovely gifts from friends like Marie, Alexandra and Julia -

Thats where the seating area starts, and above that bench are more cupboards and little shelves, one of which holds another little box, this one filled with a selection of seam binding, and a jar of embroidery threads-

Turn a little further and you are looking over the seating area to the back of the caravan, lets call that the middle. The original blue seat cushions are covered with pink blankets and cushions, some crocheted by me -

Behind the far bench, on the window sill, I keep beautiful old French pottery bowls, filled with white trims, coloured trims and braid, and pieces of ribbons -

Gotta have a couple of little knicknacks around as well -

The table in the middle of the benches is used for everything, sewing in the winter or on rainy days, all the cutting and gluing for tags and cards, sorting through fabrics, sorting through books, whatever I am working on at the time. I keep a few of those beautiful old bowls on the table as well, for snippets of lace, jewelry and metal bits etc -

Turn a little further to the right, and you are on the return journey to the front door ;-). Above the bench with the handmade granny square blanket are shelves with my stamps, inks, and a basket full of ready printed images -
 A bit further is the cupboard with all my paper supplies, like old sheet music, dictionaries etc, with little tubs of all sorts underneath on the little shelf -

The granny square blanketed bench butts up to the fridge ( not in use, sigh ) and right next to the fridge on that bench is a big old wooden box filled with buttons and a few other sewing notions. The fridge itself has all my tooly bits on top, scissors, pens, glues etc -

And there you have it, you are back at the entrance again! Thats my little craftavan studio away from home. And I DO have to keep it tidy all the time, lol, otherwise I couldn't work in it!

I am so glad I could squeeze you into the little space, it was wonderful to have you visit! Thank you so much for stopping by.

If you click on this link, it will take you to Karen Valentine's site where you will find a long list of all the other participants. The studios you will see will have you drooling all over the place!

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Meine Liebe das ist ein ganz fantastischer Post mit super vielen tollen Bildern. Dein Wohnwagen ist der Hammer!!! Ich muss mir das gleich noch mal ansehen.

  2. What a wonderful space! It is so lovely all your lace and beautiful trims and other finds! A magical little studio, just for you. thank you for the tour. I too have signed on for the blog hop so I must run and finish taking pictures! I do so enjoy your blog!

  3. Liz I'm so excited to see your amazing Craft Van!! But I am renaming it to the INSPIRATION VAN!! LOVELY!!! Oh the piles and oodles of lovelies!!! THank you so much for getting together a post to share the love! You're so special!! Inspiring us to create on the go! Have a lovely day...we're actually getting RAIN!!!

  4. What a sweet little space!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. AWESOME!!! Now I want a little camper for my tudio! LOVED the tour!

  6. you have the BEST of both worlds mon amie! the best! how lucky are you? i just adore your craft van!how CUTE!!! ;)

  7. Oh My Gosh!!! Your craft van is absolutely incredible girlfriend. YOU WIN THE PRIZE for the most creative crafting space. I want one of those - just wait till I tell my husband!

    Beautiful beautiful pictures -- ohh those ribbons and all that lace --- just so lovely dear Liz.

    I think I am jealous!

    Love you-

  8. Liz,
    I told my hubby I wanted to use our travel trailer for that.....he laughed....and said "NO!"....I have already taken over too many rooms in our home! Can't move out yet...If I did I am afraid he would say I could only keep what would fit!
    I love your crafatvan....hope to see it one day in person!
    And maybe one day I will see a "tidy" studio in my hjome....but I am NOT holding my breath!

  9. You have such a unique place to create beautiful things and a beautiful setting, too. Looks like every nook and cranny is filled with treasures. Thank you for the peek into your space.

  10. Oh my sweet Liz, you have mentioned your craftavan and I had no idea what you were talking about. I adore it! Now I want one, I'd take it to work every single day, LOL.

    Filled with all your gorgeous supplies and gifts, I mean, it's simply adorable and perfect!
    xoxo Rhonda

  11. What a wonderful place to create Liz. It is so beautiful and I love how you have made it so bright and cheery. What a joy it must be to work here!!!

  12. Oh My the line to get a peek inside was very long but ever so worth the wait. Thank you for the lovely tour of your special unique craftyvan space. Brilliant use of an otherwise unused item. Now I see how you are so beautifully creative with those amazing laces and supplies. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts Dear...

  13. What a great idea...Nothing stops us from crafting!!! And to have the field as your sewing and ironing room, what could be better! Thank you so much for sharing!


  14. Just what can I say my dear Liz? A girl could'nt ever wish for a bigger craft room than this. You are so totally organized - truly amazing and with my huge room I still need more!!! What could be wrong with me you think? (hehe!)
    My DH wants to know where on earth can your DH put his muddy boots up to drink his morning cup of coffee lol!!!!
    I love every inch of it and only wish I could pay a visit and dive into all of your beautiful antique bowls and baskets to feel the beauty of all of your laces and trims.
    Sending much blogging love and hugs,

  15. hi and oh wow what a great cozy space you have! I love it! I would twirl in the center as well! So sweet, and what a peaceful setting! it is beautiful! kat =^.^=

  16. Wow! How fun that would be to take your studio with you! And to such beautiful places!

  17. Hi Lizzie, I always wished to take a look at your craftavan and I'm happy to see that you share your French studio now. It's sooooooooo cute!!! You've used that small space so very well and nothing can beat your huge outdoor sewing room. It must be inspiring to sit in the middle of nature, surrounded by singing birds and humming bees. You've got lots of wonderful supplies to work with and are accompanied by beautiful gifts from sweet friends.
    Have fun in your craftavan and have a great weekend!

  18. What a perfect place for craftwork!

  19. Kære Liz, aldrig har jeg set en Ceraftavan brugt så fornuftig, jeg har altid gerne ville have sådan en vogn, (til at køre med) men min mand har sagt nej. dine dejlige billeder har givet mig et sug i mellem gulvet og et stik i mit kreative hjerte, det har været en vidunderlig rundtur, tusind tak. knus morkaren.

  20. Oh Liz I love love your Craftavan it's a fantastic place and it is your own place, so many beautiful thing you have found a place for and all the wonderful gifts from friends, thanks for sharing I enjoyed to see around.
    Hugs Anni

  21. WOW!! I LOVE your craftavan, I want one!!!

  22. Oh my dear sweet Liz, I will ALWAYES be able to squeeze myself inside this absolutely amazing studio of yours!!
    OHHH my goodness a fantastic wonderful place you have made yourself in that craftawan!!
    I love every little piece and corner in there, and you my friend have some gorgeous amazing talents to squeeze so many beautiful materials inside ther, and then also have place for gifts from all around the world!! I`m so happy to be around too, being a part of this happy world of yours. Whom does have that fabolous view when sewing - at leat in summer weather, and inside the same, just another kind of beauty!!
    Thankyou, now I caN really se you for my inner eyes when you speak about this lovely place of your own!!
    Hugs and love from Dorthe

  23. Hi Liz, What a fabulous studio you have. It is something that would make creating so special. To design with that gorgeous view is fabulous. No wonder you create the best treasures. I love how organized you have displayed all your supplies and tools. Just a darling space. I would love a Craftavan. It is a grand idea. Do you ever move it to another location? This should be in a magazine my friend.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Have fun.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  24. I have to say that you have the most creative space I have ever seen. I now what a camper for my sewing room.

  25. I LOVE your Craftavan! It does not lack anything that a room in a house would. Absolutely cozy, cute and fabulous!

    Cathy ♥

  26. Ha! A craftervan! What a great idea, who would have thought of it! I gotta show it to my cousin Stefanie who needs a new space for her studio since her son moved back in her attic room and I know she has an old camper. Of course the very best thing about your camper is that it stands on a beautiful field in beautiful France. How lucky you are to have two homes in two beautiful countries! Wishing you a happy WBC Party weekend Miss Lululiz :)

  27. Can I just say I am so envious of your fun fun studio craftavan in Burgundy France!!!!! This has to be my favorite studio so far : ) and packed with so many treasures to create with. I enjoyed visiting your creative space. Cheers from Singapore.

  28. Oh Liz...I want a craftavan...what a wonderful place to create in...and sewing with that view...WOW!!...Beautiful pics of all your treasures and fabulous inspiration..LOVE LOVE LOVE it all! ;)

  29. what a gorgeous little craftvan... just love it.. and the yummy laces... its decorated beautifully

  30. My dearest Mme. Liz, mew are so kind to moi! I just knew you would take care of me on my visit even though, "she" tried to get me to stay home. Hmpfh. Shows you what "she" knows right?! I mean how could you not be expecting me with that wonderful crocheted blankie on the bench. No matter that it's pink - I think it looks rather striking against my handsome furself. And then the little transferware with birdies!!!! I mean c'mon you even posted a close up shot for me. And all those delightful laces!!! You know how I dearly love those!!!! So I say again to "her" how could one even think of leaving me behind!?! I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit and think it's wonderful that no matter which cottage you are at, you have a place to play!!! AND a space for me! You are special, mew are loved.

    Your Romeo

  31. I think your craftvan is BRILLIANT! And I am quite jealous of your HUGE sewing room.... lovely, lovely space. Thank you for sharing and I will come and visit again... maybe on a rainy day! Take care

  32. What a fun space! And GORGEOUS supplies!!!

  33. The sewing room, lol :)
    Thank you Liz for being our dear hostess in this lovely tour in craftfairyland. I thouroughly enjoyed every minute of it and will linger around some more if you don't mind (no need to catch the bus back home, is it?)
    Sigh... ahhh... ohhh... (sorry, drooling here)


  34. What a Wonderful craftvan... Loved the tour! it's full of wonderful laces & Gorgeous goodies...simply a Dream... Hugs May x x x

  35. Pretty collections and supplies. What a unique craft space too. Thanks for the tour.

  36. What a great space! Love all your beautiful creations- lace, ribbon= LOVE! You do gorgeous work!

  37. What a wonderful, cozy, comfy space to create ~ all of nature at your feet! Such a beautiful dream realized...
    Lucky you!
    Thank you for the tour ~

  38. What a great idea for a creative space! You can't beat that view, that's for sure. : ) I love how you have all your supplies and pieces displayed in pretty containers, yet you can see them.

  39. I love your craftavan. I love all kinds of caravans but yours, as a studio, is fantastic !!
    I came here directly from Suzy's blog and I don't regret the trip !
    Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful studio and sewing-room.
    have a nice day
    Nijenn from France

  40. I must admit....I'm a little envious of that splendid craftavan! You have it organized so wonderfully!! I love the hanging pockets on the hanger...I think I saw one of Dorthe's sweet dolls hanging near it!
    The granny square blanket is so beautiful...actually I just love it all!!

  41. I enjoyed visiting your craftavan today. It reminds me of a summer I spent living in one similar but much, much older. Very cute place to sew.

  42. Oh WoW, how much cooler could it get!!! What a sweet little camper/craftavan, so very unique and the view is to die for! You are one lucky lady!
    Thanks for sharing your unique space!
    Have a great week!

  43. Hey that is one darling craft space. How clever. you certainly have everything you need at your fingertips. I wish I could come and join you in there sometime!

  44. I love every single thing there in your little craftavan, could not be more perfect indeed!
    Beautiful items at every turn, love the lace and trims and such.
    Thanks for sharing your creative space with us.

  45. Oh.My.Gosh! Brilliant! I have never seen a craft room on wheels before! What a wonderful space, I adore the old bowls... Your work is fantastic, and I will be sure to Follow so I can visit again!

  46. This was a real treat to view and visit, what a brilliant way to transform a caravan in to studio on wheels. Love it and its my first time to see it and this one I will remember for sure : )

    Love the granny square cushions and blanket, very lovely. And the beautiful fields and view have from your space. Glad you took part this year!!!

  47. That was so much fun!! You win the prize so far for most unusual building!!! You would never know you were in a trailer by looking inside. It is fabulous and filled with the most yummy things! Thank you so much for joining the party! It would not have been the same without you!

  48. Hello Liz,

    This craftavan is so beautiful,I love it.
    What a wonderful idea !!!

    It's so inspiring to see all the lace and things you surrounded yourself with.
    I love your blog, posts and art so much !!

    Thank you for sharing it all.
    I will stay a bit longer and enjoy...
    Have a good time in France,

    Blessings to you,

    Wilma, Shabby Royale.

  49. Omg, your craft van is super sweet! Pinned to my vintage trailer board:) I posted anchors aweigh pillow cases to the Make it Pretty Party!

  50. I LOVE YOU CRAFTVAN - So Darling - And I especially love all of your lace. Thanks for letting me take a looksy.


  51. How fun! That is the most unique studio I've seen yet (I've worked my way thru 1/2 the list). I love how you & others are displaying your laces. I'm inspired to get mine out of the plastic bin in the closet. Thanks for sharing - Connie from Mystical Gypsy

  52. I love your little Craftavan!! What a fun and adorable creative space you have. I love those pottery bowls for holding trims and such. Thanks for sharing! Now following your blog and Etsy shop too.

    Becky @ Vintage 541

  53. Liz,
    Oh my goodness Liz! Yours is my favorite space on the whole tour. First of all your sewing pasture:) How amazing, what inspiration! Just miles of nature. If I tried to do that here in TX the mosquitos would carry me off and then the fire ants would eat me- ugg that's a nasty thought. All of your supplies are so yummy and organized. I just want to climb up in there and go thru every bit of it. This post is making me want to relocate to the trailer in my backyard!
    ps Loved seeing all your gifts from our blog friends too.

  54. Your caravan is great! We have one of 7,5 m. which possibilities! what a space! but my man would call me crazy I believe ;-))

  55. When I saw your Craftavan, I was immediately inspired. *smile*

    Look here.

  56. I am IN LOVE with your craftavan.



    And I love that you have two homes, one in the UK and one in France.

    We have loved living overseas.....once in England and once in Italy.

    Can't wait to go back again!!!

    Also can't wait to read about more adventures in your Craftavan!!!

    And now I'm your newest follower!

  57. Wow, Liz!! This is awesome! How lovely to have been on a guided tour of your fabulous craftavan. I can now imagine you so easily sitting in there creating all your wonderful tags, etc. You are soooo organised - this puts my craft room to shame!! I'm off now to do something about it, lol!!!
    Love from your friend in France - Carolyn xx

  58. TOTALLY AWESOME! You have some fun organizational skills, and just seems that little space is perfect. My favorite of course is snooping every little corner ! But that outside sewing area is the best! Thanks for sharing all the photos, it was truly a fun visit.

  59. Wow! You're space is amazing! The view, the set up, the treasures are all so perfect! So glad I found my little container in your shop! We have a lot in common and have a lot of mutual friends. Would love for you to stop by my blog and look forward to visiting again! xoxo Rhonda...

  60. Wow, wow, wow! I feel as if I have just been on a treasure hunt!! So lovely to be allowed a peek into your glorious craftavan! You have some wonderful finds which I know you will convert into glorious items. Such inspiration,tfs. x

  61. Liz I want to thank you for the amazing journey!! I was reaching back in your blog and stumbled on this gem of a post!
    What a gorgeous place to create! I don't even think I have words to describe how delightful this is!!!
    You have a treasure-trove of beautiful materials Liz. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of this tour! Hugs to you, Karen O


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