Sunday 14 July 2013

Our Beautiful World week 3 - LACE

Over at the Our Beautiful World blog, the word prompt for this week is LACE. Oh my, I could almost see myself posting about a million and one photos. Lace I have, even here at the cottage in France, a bit of lace has got to come with me every time I pack my craftacase in England to come to France. But you have seen so many pics of my laces already, I thought I show something else, a bit of LACE crochet I am working on, a scarf for Vicki's Pink Scarf project. MY WIP is resting on a beautiful antique LACE crochet bespread which I found at a brocante a week or so ago. Incredible workmanship -

And talking of crochet lace, I do have lots of small table cloths with the most amazing crochet lace trims at the cottage. Here are a couple of them -

The indoor photos are pretty crap, these old cottages are so dark inside, but I wanted to show you the gorgeous cloths and I hate flash.

It would be really great if you could join in the fun over at Our Beautiful World and link up a pic or two.

I am also linking this post to the quite wonderful Pink Saturday linky party over at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound blog, perhaps a few more people will join Vicki's Pink Scarf Project if they hear about it.

I just picked veggies from our little veggie patch, oh my, this is soooo satisfying. Potatoes, beetroot, peas, and raspberries, blackcurrants and whitecurrants for a summer pudding. YUM.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday, toodlepip xxx


  1. Hi sweetie! I knew you couldn't resist this one, lol :)
    You're always a master in finding the most gorgeous old pieces of workmanship Liz. This bedspread is so gorgeous... And love your beautiful pink scarf in the making too!
    Thank you so much for the shout out for Our Beautiful World, we're happy happy to have you with us again this week. Thank you for sharing your beauties with us. Hugs and wishing you a wonderful week.

  2. Beautiful!! I love your photo and the detail in the lace cloth reminds me of a beautiful bedspread my Grandmother crocheted many years ago ... Thank you so very much for linking up at Our Beautiful World!

  3. Lace I don't have, but I sure appreciate yours!

  4. wow, der bettüberwurf ist ja der WAHNSINN - ich möchte gar nicht daran denken, wie lange da eine fleißige lady dran gesessen hat :P

    wie auch immer, traumhaft schön! und die kleinen tischdeckchen ebenso... ich hab auch einige solcher teile daheim liegen :)


  5. Oh my.... can you see me drooling over here, what pretty collection you have, and that lace crotchet scarf, you know what, now I regretted not using "Lace" as our theme 2 weeks ago, I was looking for a lace crotchet pattern to make a cover for my daughter's bed, but couldn't find any so I decided to do same old same old granny square again, already started so no turning back, sigh...... I wish I would have "found" you earlier.
    Thanks for joining us again Liz, it is just awesome to see you here and sharing your beauties with us, and thanks for the shout out too, very much appreciated!!!!

  6. Liz,
    Such beautiful crocheted gorgeousness at your cottage! I love the pink scarf! That is something I could do...make a scarf or two...I have been knitting of late....but I have to think about what it is I am working on, so many things going, I am not sure what it was!! It totally escapes me...that Is a sign I should be in bed asleep!
    Veggies, and currants!!! oh, I wanted to plant some of those and I forgot! maybe for next year..I got my plants in the ground finally and they seem to have survived the time spent in pots! I would love a recipe for the pudding! YUM is right!

  7. These are a joy to look at wow your bedspread and other crochet pieces are wonderful. So, so happyyou shared with us again at Qur Beautiful World ♥♥♥

  8. Isn't lace just the prettiest thing, whatever form it comes in. It's just so feminine, love your crochet scarf. Deb xxx

  9. So many beautiful pieces! Love your lace crocheting, too - it makes a very special scarf.

  10. I have a fair stash of lace ,crochet and man made , meaning commercial.
    I crochet edges on pillow cases and table mats.
    I buy lace at charity shops . If it has a hole in , well, it means it has been well used
    I love what you are showing

  11. Glad you harvested some produce from your garden! Your lace photos are beautiful.

  12. Liz your lace crochet scarf is so beautiful and the lace cloth on the small table is really lovely, hope you have days with sunshine and warm weather.
    Hugs Anni

  13. What a happy undertaking, I love to see people crocheting, but I'm not really good at it. Crocheted little flowers once :).

    LOVE your beautiful photos!. I know how you feel about lace, I can't seem to stop posting thousands of them myself :). Thanks for sharing with us at OBW!

  14. Hi Liz
    Just dropping into see more luscious lace! You know we can never get enough!
    Love your lovely pink scarf you are crocheting - Vicki will be wrapped!
    That is such a sweet lace cloth on that dear little table. Love that one!
    Big lacey hugs for a great weekend!

  15. What a pretty color of pink that your crochet piece is! The lace bedspread is very lovely too. Thanks for sharing your lace post.

  16. Hi Girlfriend-- your scarf is stunning-- I can hardly wait to touch it-- I know it will be so soft and beautiful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart :)

    I think you middle name is LACE!! You certainly could fill a blog with all your photos-- and these are so lovely. I've seen the photos-- your lace stash is to die for!!



I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.