Wednesday 19 June 2013

I am a happy bunny

That is because I finally got my little mitts on some gorgeous velvet millinery flowers, woohoo! In god knows how many years of going to bootfairs and charity shops, I have never found a single old hat with lots of beautiful flowers on. NEVER.  I saw a couple once at a proper antiques fair, but at £45 each, way out of my price range. 

Yesterday, I was looking through my blog reading list, and came across a post by Angela, the English Romantic, where she was showing little velvet flowers she had embellished with beautiful embroidery. And she quite casually mentioned that she had those darling little velvet flowers for sale! Guess how quickly I sent her an email, lolol. Lightning ain't got nothing on me, girls!

Anyhoo, this darling girl not only put up with my overexcitedness, sent the flowers I had asked for straight away to arrive THE NEXT MORNING, but she also enclosed the sweetest gift. I'll show ya, shall I?

The flowers -

The sweetly packaged gift -

See, thats why I am a very happy bunny. Thank you so much, Angela!!!

I wrote this post yesterday, and scheduled it for today, because I had already done one post, and come on, two posts in one day from me would be just too much, right? Anyhoo, by the time you read this, we we will be driving through France on the way to our cottage.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. I adore vintage velvet flowers. Now that I know you do, I will keep a look out for you. Travel safe and your flowers are so beautiful.

  2. I'm so pleased you are happy with your flowers. I could almost see you doing the happy dance.
    Hope you have a good trip and haven't run into any thunderstorms. it's hot and sunny here today. but the BBC forecast rain...again!!
    Hugs and smiles,

  3. Oh lucky sweet you, Liz- I guess you arrived by now, then- and wishes you a wonderful time in your lovely cottage.
    The flowers from dear Angela, are so very beautiful, all!!
    Enjoy your precious time in France- and see you soon-hopefully!

  4. I'm dying over here!!!!
    I even made my hubby read and look at the post with my cuff on it!,, but he says, don't you peek! So I asked him, do you think I will like it?
    He says, OH YEA! So now I am dying to see it. I haven't peeked either, bot OH it's hard!
    So as you are tripping over to France to shop and have a lovely time finding the most FABBY things, I am languishing to see the cuff! But I will wait so that it is a surprise. Pandora I have far!
    Have a lovely trip and find lots of lace!

  5. hello Liz
    such lovely velvet flowers and i like them very much.
    have a great time in france and i think you are searching for lace.
    wow, i love to be in france and looking for lace and old brocante stuff.
    regards from Ann


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