Monday 24 June 2013

Here we are, back in France

My heart always beats a little faster when we get close to the cottage, mostly with joy of course at being back in our little corner of paradise on earth, but also with a tiny bit of trepidation, thinking, will the grass be a metre high again, will the tiny vegetable seedlings I so lovingly raised have keeled over and died because I wasn't there to nurture them, will I even find them amongst the weeds which surely will have outgrown everything else? 

The grass was still managable, we could still get to the front door without having to use a scythe, so after unleashing the dogs onto the unsuspecting wildlife ( crickets, birds, all manner of insect one could chase ) and quickly unpacking the car, I made my way down to the veggie patch. Oh boy, was I relieved when I saw that my little darlings had all survived and although they hadn't grown a great deal, they were doing well, yay. Not too many weeds either, hurrah! 

Of course I had to take a few photos, well quite a lot of photos, of the veggie patch, and of the lovely roses growing round the cottage, as they are just about the only flowers we do have in the (so-called) garden, lol. You'll be alright as long as you have a nice big cup of tea or coffee with you -

Last September, my friend Christine gave me some blackcurrants branches she had cut off her blackcurrants and said, just stick them in the ground as they are, you don't need to do anything, they should grow. Yeah right, I thought, sticks just stuck in the ground, can that really work? YES, it did work, it really did, see? -

They all survived and sprouted leaves, and some of them are even fruiting already! MAGIC.

Now onto the few flowers in my so-called garden, the roses and the few baskets and pots -

The petunias I had bought last time we were at the cottage, and my darling friend Christine looked after them and the hanging begonias for me while we were away. I was so happy to have some immediate colour in the garden after we had picked them up from her. The red geraniums I bought at the market on Friday, they shouldn't take too long to get nice and bushy.

Opposite the cottage is the bread oven -

and kind of in front of that is a tree stump with a brocante find urn planted with a red geranium -

The mock orange by the front gate is in full bloom and the scent is intoxicating -

Round the corner, to go to the back of the house, and the clematis has just about finished flowering, but even the seed heads are so pretty -

At the back of the house, where the kitchen window is, another rose, in the prettiest pink with a hint of peach -

and opposite that, growing along the fence by the lane is this almost white but with the tiniest hint of pink rose, sooooo delicate -

And of course I always have to have a few wild flowers in a French pitcher on the table outside the cottage -

We went to a couple of brocantes yesterday and I found some lovely new treasures. Some I want to hang on to, they are too big to ship anyway ( bedside table and a set of little drawers, so cute ), some to go into the shop. I fell in love with a box, which should go into the shop really but it is soooooooooooooooo beautiful, I want to keep it. Sigh, we'll see. I'll show you pics tomorrow if the weather is kind and stays dry so that I can take photos outside. You gonna love it just as much as I do, I am sure.

Enough waffling on, gotta get into my craftavan and craft a little. Until tomorrow, toodlepip xxx


  1. How pretty it all looks...I felt quite nostalgic!

  2. meine güte, ich bin immer ganz hin und weg von deinen cottage-bildern *seufz*

    es sieht einfach soooo hübsch und gemütlich aus. und das beste ist ja das "brotbackhaus"? hab ich das richtig verstanden?? gehört das auch euch? das ist wirklich ein traum :)

    wie alt ist euer cottage denn?

    ich wünsch euch einen schönen aufenthalt am festland :)

    alles liebe

  3. LuluLizzy,
    What a happy surprise to see all your vegetable growing so nicely, after your concern about the rain washing them wonderful for you! I love your twirly spikes that keep your growing plants upright, I saw those in Germany and love them, hubby is going to make some for me. I havne't even looked at any nurseries here to see if they are available. Your garden is so impressive, I KNEW I should have planted mine when you were planting yours!
    The cottage looks so charming, calming and relaxing, even your doggies are happy to be there at home.
    Your flowers are beautiful, what a lovely friend to tend your petunias for you, I know how much you appreciate that. We used to have a Mock Orange bush at our first home, but it did not move with us. I remember that lovely strong scent and how much I enjoyed it.
    Your currants are growing so nicely! Last year in Germany I decided that I wanted to plant currants....but in all my business, I forgot! Thanks for the reminder, LOL!!!
    I love all your roses! The climbing roses are so beautiful! I especially love the color of the peachy pink roses! ; ), but all of them are just breathtaking on the cottage.
    Can't wait to see your lovely treasures, I am sure I won't be able to purchase my favorites from you because they will also be your favorites! So, I supposed I can share if I must!
    Hugs and heart to you!

  4. Hallo dear Liz,
    Sorry I`m so late , but so many things are going on her ,as you know!!
    What a Paradise you have here, so green and beautiful. and such garden filled to the brim , with wonderful growing ,on line , vegetables!!
    Berries and your most stunning roses, Liz.
    What a perfectly lovely place to feel happy, and rest from the city and all its noice and doings!!
    I so understand your longing to be here, when back in England!! It is to compare with a place in Paradise, my friend!!
    Hugs, Dorthe

  5. Ohhh Gott sind das tolle Bilder ... und das Gemüse... einfach genial!

  6. This post is just full of beauty! So many of your photos would make wondeful notecards! I especially love the ones with the green chair and table! So pretty!

  7. I would never leave---- it's so beautiful there- every photo leaves me longing to walk amongst your beautiful garden and look out at that amazing view. You are very blessed-- it's absolutely gorgeous there:)

  8. What a beautifully magical place. ooooh I'm drooling


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