Saturday 20 October 2012

Pink Scarf Project

A little while ago, my friend Vicki from the 2 Bags Full blog posted about her year long project called the Pink Scarf Project.

Please read all about it HERE on her blog. Such a very worthwhile cause and of course I wanted to make a scarf as well. 

As you know, we are in France at the moment, and as you also know, our cottage is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Now, I had some pink wool which I had bought in the summer,

and I had crochet hooks, but knitting needles? Nope. And no wool shops or haberdashery shops in the nearest town ( 13km ) to get any. So I started making a few embellishments first, and waited for the brocante shop in a town nearby to open on Wednesday. And I got my knitting needles there, yay! Pink ones, of course! -

I am a very basic knitter, but I thought that with some pretty flower embellishments even a plain scarf would look nice. The wool I used for the scarf is very fine, as I wanted a very fluffety light scarf,

and for the flower embellishments I used a slightly thicker pink yarn

and the most delightful deep raspberry pink, very fine silk/metallic yarn -

You gonna get lots of pink pictures now, lol, because it all looked so sweet! -

I am really enjoying knitting and crocheting at the moment, it gets dark quite early now, and it is so cosy and comfy spending the long evenings sitting by the fire and playing with wools.

Toodlepip xxx

Oh, I might just link this post to Beverly's PINK SATURDAY at the How Sweet the Sound blog, even though the theme over there this week is mostly fall stuff.


  1. You are too talented mon amie. I adore your pink post, adore adore adore.

  2. So pretty! The perfect shade of pink too.
    Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  3. Enjoy your trip while we enjoy your pinks.

  4. Your pink scarf is so beautiful! A wonderful way to remember Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I've visiting from Pink Saturday and hope you will drop by for a visit.

  5. that is what I call PINK :)
    and do not miss.....




    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  6. Det bliver det dejligste tørklæde, jeg vil nok sige at de hindbærfarvede blomster gør sig bedst mod den lyserøde, men lækkert bliver det. knus morkaren.

  7. I'm in pink heaven!!!♥

    The scarf is going to be so pretty with the flower embellishments... can't wait to see the finished project!


  8. Such rewarding work. Before the arthritis got to my knitting thumbs, I would knit pink hats each year for Relay for Life. I do miss it. Keep on knitting and adding your flowers. They are wonderful and loving gifts for those who are struggling.genie

  9. That's a lot of pink! :D

    I am a basic knitter too, and am currently working on a simple cropped cardigan. Got to work quicker, will need it soon :D

  10. Ahh that is lovely, cant wait to see your scarf finished, such a delightful pink!

  11. Dear Liz, what a generous gesture, to support Vicki`s beautiful project, you are a wonderful friend.
    The sweet flowers added the lovely pink scarf looks so lovely, and I LOVE your chosns colours and that glam glittering one :-)
    It will be so very lovely, for someone to wear around her neck.
    Hugs to you.

  12. Another generous soul lives here!
    And what better way could you use that magnificent pink wool with those matching pink needles!
    Your little flowers are just gorgeous!
    I might have to employ you to create some for mine (LOL!). Seriously I love that silk metallic thread and it makes such a beautiful contrast!
    We can have a pink scarf "knit-in" with clacking needles together dear friend!
    Sending lots of pink hugs,

  13. Hi Liz,
    Your pink scarf for the project is just gorgeous. I love the way the little embellishments give it such style. What a talent you are to knit. I am a crocheter and working on a lap throw at the moment too. My grandmother did teach me to knit, but I have not done much creating. Crochet is more my thing.
    Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the evening.

    thank you for stopping by and your blog birthday comment. Best wishes in my giveaway.
    Have a great week in France.
    Celestina Marie XO

  14. Wonderful photos. I would like to sit and knit like you, but at the moment I can't find the time. But when time gets quieter.... ;-)
    Have a nice time in France.

  15. Oooh, you've made me want to get my knitting needles out! I love your little flowers, they are so cute and such a good idea to jazz up the scarf.
    Have a great time in France and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  16. Oh...I so wish I could knit or crochet. How fun that would be. Maybe someday. LOVE those flowers. SWOOOON...................

    Love, R

  17. Love what you are making so far. I intend on joining in on the breast cancer scarf donation for I think it is a great idea.
    I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog post, "rusty shoes and cabinet cards". I am waiting for just the perfect inspiration to hit me for the rusty shoes, it will come...

  18. Love your knitting project! Your knitting is perfect1 NOT! I love the raspberry metallic yarn...such fun!!

  19. Dear Liz what a very beautiful scarf you are working on,love the flowers, great that it goes to a good project it is really nice, cancer is a terrible disease,so many in my family have died of cancer.
    Hugs Anni

  20. Oh Liz-- I'm so thrilled that you are doing this-- what a wonderful and beautiful gift- someone will feel so very special when they wear this. Please do include a note so they will know that it came from so far away just to make them smile-- I love you for this sweet friend!


  21. Hello dear Lizzie, It's wonderful that you knit a scarf for that project and it's going to be a beautiful one. I love the soft shade of pink and your sweet crocheted flowers.

  22. Hello, I'm visiting from Vicki's blog and your yarn is lovely. The embellishments are an especially nice touch...very nice. I'm not so good at crochet but I might just try my hand as I'm participating also.


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