Wednesday 17 October 2012


I was so happy to see that our beloved white Wednesdays are saved! Becky from the very lovely Timewashed blog is starting Blissful Whites Wednesday as from next week. Isn't that great news? 

I wasn't sure whether I would have anything white to post today, we are in France again, and all my lovely white lace and linens etc are in the UK. So I went shopping. And guess what? Yep, I found some little white treasures to show you! The photos are pretty poor though, you'll have to see past that, the weather is still not very good and it was so dull and dark by the time I got back home. 

I bought a gorgeous old white glazed stoneware bottle, and used it to display the two pretty little treasures I found this afternoon, two ever so sweet little communion wreaths, I would guess from the 60s or 70s -

Wreath No. 1, a very good copy of an antique wax flower wreath, you have to look pretty close to realise that it is not wax -

The second wreath is so pretty as well, those tiny little fabric rose buds are gorgeous and so plentiful -

Gotta run, there seems to be some bad weather on the way, the lights are constantly flickering, so the electricity might go at any minute. Don't forget that next Wednesday is the start of BLISSFUL WHITES WEDNESDAY over at the Timewashed blog, so get your whites ready! Woohoo!

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh, Liz, the Communion wreaths are beautiful! And the stoneware bottle is stunning! Thank you for "whitening" my Wednesday with such lovelies!♥


  2. Sometimes the simplest things can hold so much beauty!! Lovely!!


  3. Oh, how you taunt me with your beautiful wreaths, Liz. They are gorgeous, oh yes they are.

    I'm so excited about Becky's new venture with all of us White Wednesday gals.

  4. You found some lovely whites again, my dear Liz! Both wreaths are very beautiful.
    I hope you didn't lose electricity due to the bad weather.
    Have a great day!

  5. White is such a lovely subject for photographs. I have to take a peek. The ceramic egg would be a good contender, but my photographs on that day were pretty pants!

  6. What a great blog, I am your newest follower. I know Becky at time washed, she is a local Orlando girl and we have had lunch a couple times...Small world! Love the communion wreaths!


  7. hi Liz,
    Oh I didn't know White Wed. wasn't going on anymore. Shows I'm not in the loop these days. Nice to see someone else is taking over. Lovely communion wreaths, Sure wish I still had mine. It would be an antique by now!!!
    Thanks so much for your well wishes.
    hugs Lynn (aka Grammy) LOL

  8. Here I am back again, dear Liz.
    The communion wreaths are so very beautiful, and I will love to buy one from you one day,-depending on my money-bag :-) but I have long wished to own such a beautiful thing,used in that special occation, one like the first, with long branches .
    Your photoes are very beautiful.
    Thankyou for your mail,-you will hear from me soon.
    Hugs, and xx,


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