Saturday 5 November 2011


I haven't been to any vide greniers or boot fairs in ages, so I had no new pink acquisitions to show you. But........ I had a look through my collection of mostly Victorian cards and found some beautiful pink roses to show you! They are 19th Century Christmas and New Year cards, and it does seem strange to me today that they used summer flowers etc for their cards and not Santas or Angels or nativity scenes.

Here they are -

And while I was in a pink frame of mind, I made a little tag as well. This one is special to me for reason - almost two years ago, my wonderful bloggy friend and gifted artist Diane from Diane Knott's Musings sent me a little pressie. I had just started making very basic tags and had great admiration for her tags, so she sent me one along with a tag making kit. I had kept this kit all this time, not wanting to use it all up, but I finally decided that sooner or later I would make a display with all my own tags, and I very much wanted a tag made from her kit to be part of that display.

Do you remember some of the bits on this tag, Diane? -

I had to scan the tag in, because it was too dark to take photographs.

If you want to immerse yourself in more pinkness, hop over to How Sweet The Sound!

Happy Pink Saturday! Toodlepip xxx


  1. Dear Liz, your tag is so beautiful- I love your used colours and the image is so lovely-also the used roses.
    I think this was the last comment from me for the next 3 dayes-stay well, and see you soon again.
    Hugs from me.

  2. I love vintage and antique cards! Now that you mention it, they DO always show beautiful flowers on them!
    Happy PS and thanks for visiting my blog today.

  3. merci pour ces images, elles sont si douces !
    un petit coucou en passant !

  4. What a gorgeous tag, Liz!
    Beautifully created!

  5. Pretty cards!! Just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying your etsy shop! You do have a knack for finding wonderful things.

  6. Funny how we can pull it together with all of our stashes!

    You pulled it together, Liz.
    Very beautifully I might add.

  7. These are wonderful indeed! The tag is beautifully made! :)


  8. Love the cards, they are beautiful, Have a wonderful and creative week! Hugs Marilou, PS Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. What a fabulously gorgeous tag! I'm back to blogging under a new name (I was CapeCodRamblingRose before). I used to follow your blog, and I'm doing so once again. =) I also just perused your lovely shop - you have such wonderful treasures! Happy Monday!

  10. Hello again! Thank you for your visit! I don't have my email listed on the blog (I have been having horrible amounts of spam). You can reach me at stitchintyme9 @ aol. ;)


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