Friday 4 November 2011

Every Inchie Monday - GRAFFITI and news of a fab giveaway

I finally got round to making my little inchie for Every Inchie Monday last night. I wanted to photograph it this morning in daylight, because I dislike flash intensely. Of course I forgot. So now you are going to be presented with 2 rather crappy pics of my inchie, taken with flash, sigh.

There is a fun little story attached to this inchie though. When I looked up the theme for this week on Monday, and saw that it was Graffiti, I wanted to find a cool font to make the inchie with. I looked at loads and finally found some which I thought suitable, but................. neither myself nor my son could download them for some weird reason. So the inchie got put on the backburner for a couple of days. I knew that I wanted to use my son's nickname for me on the inchie in graffiti, but that was as far as I got with the plans.

Yesterday evening after dinner, I came upstairs to find my son sitting at my desk, with a big grin on his face, and a very colourful graphic on my computer - yes, this one! You see, he often leaves me fancy messages with my nickname on the computer, just for fun, and he had done it again. He had no idea that I wanted to use my nickname, ahem, SHORTY, on the inchie, he had just done his usual lets-get-Shorty-narked bit, lol, and used my Hippie font, but it was perfect for my inchie! And all I had to do was shrink it, lol.

There you go, my no work, no worries GRAFFITI inchie for this week.

Now you know that short posts are not really my thing, and a few sentences and two pics is just not enough. So what is a girl to do? Post news of a fabulous new giveaway, of course!

You all know Lynn of Trash to Treasure Art, don't you, and this lovely lady is celebrating her 3rd Blogaversary with a not-to-be-missed giveaway. You can check it out HERE, but I am going to show you a couple of pics anyway -

There is more still, but you go and check it out for yourselves! I am so hoping that I will be a winner. Fingers crossed.

Have a great weekend! Toodlepip xxx


  1. Awe, I adore your inchie story, Liz.
    How sweet your son is, just sweet.

    I'm off to check out that giveaway, the first picture took my breath away.

    xo Rhonda

  2. hahaha your hippy inchie is a blast from the past! LOL How sweet of your son to help you out!

    Thank you sweet Liz for posting about my giveaway! I'll enter you in the surprise drawing as well as the Bonus stamps. Best of luck!!!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    hugs Lynn

  3. No red hots??? No way! Any crushable candy that is pink will probably work!!!

    Love your hippi-itus!


  4. What a sweet nickname dear Liz, and what a sweet son - the inchie is a love-story I think :)
    Wishes you a happy week-end.

  5. Oh this is too cute, Liz! And I love Lynn's giveaway too...she is so super-talented and such a sweet person--I just love her!


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