Monday 21 February 2011

Yippee, the second one!

This morning, the postman delivered a second wonderful little package. Another door prize from one of the blogs I had visited during the OWOH event. I was really looking forward to this one, as I had always wanted to see one of these in real life. What? A tiny little matchbox, altered into something really exquisite.

One of these days I will remember to be patient and take pictures before I open things. I will try, I really will, but unfortunately today was not yet that day. This gift was also wrapped in such pretty paper, look at these gorgeous birds! -

Exquisite small treasure -

I loved the teeny weeny little knob on the drawer -

Every side of the little box was decorated -

The top of the box is decorated with an altered puzzle piece, I wish I knew how that was done, it is gorgeous -

The altered matchbox was filled with tiny little treasures -

And even the inside of the box was so beautifully decorated! -

The creator of this beautiful piece is the very talented Jan. Have a look at her blog here.

Thank you so much, Jan, I adore this altered matchbox. It has inspired me to have a go myself one of these days. As soon as I have worked my way through my must-do list.

That is all for today, back tomorrow with a few little finds from an indoor boot fair this Sunday.
Toodlepip xxx


  1. Dearest Liz,
    what a gorgeus gift,-it is so beautifully, and perfectly made,- I love the old puzzle on top,(has it got resin )? and that it is covered in that beautifull paper with numbers- the mini knob looks so sweet- and ofcourse I love it has got wings--I will visit Jan..
    and you know what? Microsoft fixed the fhoto thing,-so great,-thanks again for helping me, friend.
    Hugs- Dorthe

  2. WOW that is teeny tiny greatness!

    Victoria xx

  3. An absolute gem you've received today. Tim Holtz eat your heart out! I've never seen so much in so little xx

  4. Oh my goodness, that's really something special. I love all of it. It's amazing how she has decorated every bit of the box and then managed to get so many little treasures in it as well.

  5. Love the matchbox you received ~ especially that sweet little knob on the drawer and the calendar inside is a very nice look. The detail in it is wonderful!
    These are such fun to make. I've done several. I hope you get to try one soon!

  6. OMGOSH Liz...what an awesome gift!! Jan does excellent work. Thank you for sharing with us. I adore the lil matchbox and WOW some really nice gifts inside too.


  7. Awww what a lovely post Liz - Thank you!
    (You take awesome pics!!)
    Anyway, you are more than welcome, just glad to hear you liked it ;)
    It's so nice to have met you through OWOH :)
    Jan x

  8. Both the gifts you have won are so beautifully created. The little matchbox is a real delight, got me to thinking that I must put it on my to try list too.
    It is lovely to visit and share the excitement and pleasure as each gift arrives at it's destination.

  9. that is utterly beautiful!! :-)

  10. Oh wonderful is this! Just adorable! Lucky you, Liz! Congratulations on another win!

  11. This is so adorable. I can't believe that so much can fit in that tiny little box. The handle makes it seem much bigger.

  12. Congratulations on the lovely prizes you won, Liz! I'm pretty bad with taking pictures of unwrapped packages too, especially when the light is not right at the moment the package arrives. I'm too excited to wait until the sky decides to become a little photo friendlier ... :-)
    Have fun playing with your new goodies and enjoy Lynne's beautiful heart!

  13. Wow! Isn't that the cutest! Attention to details are wisely planned and meticulously made. Plus the tiny knob and all cutesy things inside and out. Wonderful!

  14. Hi Liz,
    congratulations again! Awesome treasure - enjoy.
    Have a wonderful day.

  15. Love the little ppaer and handle outside and calendar page inside.
    so cute

    barbara jean

  16. What a cool little matchbox. That must take patience to work on such a tiny an inchie gone wild! Very nice, congratulations on your wins!

  17. I've been seeing these popping up on various blogs - just adorable.


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