Sunday 20 February 2011

Woohoo, the first one!

I did say yesterday that I had a gorgeous little package arrive, and that it deserved its very own post. And when you see the pictures, I am sure you will agree. I was so lucky this year to win some wonderful door prizes in the OWOH event and this one was the first to arrive.

Now you will have to use your imagination a little bit here, because I was too quick with my unpacking, lol, I had the paper off before I even thought of the camera! This is such pretty paper, I think it might find its way onto some tags -

I do so love vintage style, and the beautiful old photographs, so you can understand why I was so chuffed with this. First, there was this gorgeous card -

And then, this oh so pretty heart, so beautifully embellished -

Just look at the lovely details, this sweet little MOP heart button -

and pretty beads -

Lucky girl, indeed, wouldn't you say?

And who was the very talended lady who picked me as her winner? It was Lynne, who has a gorgeous blog called Adorn. You can visit her here and drool over all her beautiful creations. A girl after my own heart!

I posted all my gifts on Friday, I hope that they won't take too long to get to their destinations all over the world. Fingers crossed.

Enjoy whats left of your weekend ( or the start of the new week, depending on where you are ).
Toodlepip, xxx


  1. Hi Liz,
    what a lucky Lady you are!Lynne's creations are beautiful!So happy for you.Have a wonderful Sunday.

  2. Fabulous giveaway - you lucky girl! I am never very lucky in these events - nothing last year and so far, nothing this year! Oh, well!!

    Congratulations to you - enjoy your goodies.


  3. Hi Liz,
    uhhh they are soft and sweet- so lucky you are,---- and they are very beautifull, too--and so quickly you recieved it ...
    thankyou for happy talk yesterday, Liz -and have a great evening.
    love, Dorthe

  4. A wonderful package liz - so pretty the heart is. Lucky you.
    Wishing you a wonderful sunday
    xo Tina

  5. Congratulations! Beautiful gifts and so your style.Did you read about Lisa's event for next year? Sounds like more fun! I have been meaning to ask you if you still make soap? I've done that in the past and really enjoyed it!Debra

  6. Hi Liz,
    What beautiful gifts you received! I love all of it! Especially that MOP heart button!
    You have a great coming week too!

  7. Ohhh wie schön !!!
    Du Glückliche :)
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend
    Knuddel Alexandra

  8. I recognized Lynnes the minute I saw it! You lucky gal two beautiful pieces. and how fast you received them. Mine went postal yesterday and Lynne was one of my winners. LOL Small world.
    Hugs Lynn

  9. What a wonderful prize, you are indeed very lucky!

  10. Lovely swap, Miss Liz! :-)

  11. What beautiful little treasures to receive... lucky you Liz... love the yummy vintage feel of these gorgeous gifts...

    Jenny x

  12. Hey girlfriend! are such a lucky lady! What beautiful treasures you have won, thanks for giving us a peek. xo..deb

  13. Hi Liz. Popped on over to see if you were Blogging and I thought, I recognise that paper and ribbon lol. Wait until I tell you, that paper was recycled from a gift I received. Thought you'd like it. I saved a piece for myself so it will no doubt turn up on a card/tag/canvas.
    Glad I joined in at OWOH and getting to know new friends.
    Cold day in Perth, perfect for crafting.

  14. Hi Liz,
    What a wonderful gift you received. I love the tag and the heart is beautiful. The wrapping paper is so pretty and I am sure it will reach a few creations from your talented hands too.

    Your giveaway gift from me left the states last Wednesday so I hope it arrives to you soon.
    Keep watching.
    Have a creative week ahead.
    Hugs and love from Texas, Celestina Marie

  15. Oh my gosh, Liz, this is so exciting! And Lynne is not only talented, but the sweetest person ever!!! I just love her! What gorgeous treasures to!!!


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