Friday 26 November 2010

Kard Krazy's Tag Tuesday Challenge

I like little challenges like this, because they take me outside my comfort zone. When I started thinking about this tag, I had something completely different in mind, and somehow, it just evolved into this, not at all what I had planned. But I am happy with it.

The challenge for Tag Tuesday this time was to make a seasonal tag using the colours navy blue, turquoise and red. I am not a lover of bright red, so I chose a deep red button, ribbon and deep red ink. I used a small piece of the precious blue lace Alexandra had sent me for the navy blue part, and a turquoise patterned paper for the background. The big snowflake is the most gorgeous metallic turquoise. I had found three of those amongst some piles of cards in a charity shop of all places a couple of weeks ago.

And because this post is way too short for me, lol, I'll also show you a couple of other pics. A little while ago a lovely lady called Salma left me a comment, telling me that she was my 200th follower! Ooops. Hadn't even noticed, lol, So I decided to send her a little gift. I had read on her blog that she loved soaps, so I sent her one of my handmade soaps in a little embellished bag -

There, thats better, now the post doesn't look quite so empty. I am so used to doing looooooooong posts, these short ones don't feel quite right. Although you gals are probably relieved that you don't have to work your way through tons of photos, lol.

Toodlepip, xxx


  1. Oh my goodness, pretty, pretty, pretty!! I love your blog so much!

  2. The combination of colors on your tag is lovely. And your gift set for Salma so very pretty indeed! Hope you have a great weekend. Blessings, Tammy

  3. Liz, dear,
    your tag is so beautifull, I love that turquise snowflake,and the embellished bag is a beautifull extra gift with the lovely soap.
    I`m so looking forward to more quiet times, to start using all the lovely images,so so sweetly gave me, dear friend.
    I`m going to set up, for the weekend christmas sale, in a nearby town this afternoon-
    and hopes for a good weekend.
    Hugs,to you Liz-

  4. Beautiful pieces of art! I still have the tags you gave me last Christmas!

  5. Hi Liz, That tag is pretty gorgeous. I like the colors, though I wouldn't have thought them up on my own! Also your soap and little bag are sweet. Is is goat soap? that is pretty popular around here suddenly. Nice!

  6. This tag is beautiful!
    I was also taken in by the beautiful photo header.. even though it is a snowy winter scene, it transfers warmth and coziness!

  7. OMG, your tag is stunning! Love, love, love the vintage style, your wonderful image, that gorgeous snowflake (why doesn't my charity shop carry those? LOL!), the beautiful lace - okay, I love everything about it. Yum. :)

  8. Okay, I got so carried away, I forgot to tell you that your handmade bag is gorgeous, too! What a sweet gift. :)

  9. Oh wow, I love your tag! And the precious soap bag--how gorgeous!!! I made my tag for Tag Tuesday, but haven't posted it yet...

    Then, the funny thing is, I made it, laid it somewhere in the house and couldn't find it!! It was up on a shelf, but I didn't see crazy, huh?

    Well, I LOVE your tag!!!

  10. Love your photos! That tag is beautiful!

  11. I absolutely love your tag. It's so wonderful. You did great with the turquoise, navy and just a wee bit of dusky red.
    I've fallen for your little drawstring bag.

  12. Love that tag! You are always so the little bag and soap too! You never fail to provide inspiration with all your wonderful creations! Thank you and take care!

  13. Your tag is perfect and really uses the best of navy blue, red and turquoise. How very sweet of you to send handmade soap in such a lovely little bag you made to your 200th follower. Congratulations. Happy creating...

  14. I loooooooooooooooove your loooooooooooooooong posts!

  15. Hi Lulu,
    I just love your tags! The turquoise snowflake is beautiful.
    That is sweet of you to send Salma the soap and the little embellished bad (which I love that bag)! She will love it I'm sure.
    Isn't Mr. Twinkles the cutest little guy?
    Have a great weekend.

  16. Liz, love the tag! And the image of the little girl reading that you put on the cloth bag is so precious.

  17. Hi Liz, Your handmade soap is a wonderful gift and it couldn't be packed more beautifully. The gift bag is so very pretty! The tag turned out lovely too.

  18. An absolutely lovely tag! The red button is just the right touch:)

  19. Wunderschön, das Tag, das Säckchen :O KLASSE meine Liebe


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