Thursday 25 November 2010


( Image courtesy of the Graphics Fairy )

Especially of course to my American friends, who are celebrating today. I love the idea of Thanksgiving, it is a pity that it is one American celebration/custom/tradition which hasn't made it across the big water. Yet. We all have something to be thankful for, a lot of us have a lot to be thankful for. I have read so many touching posts giving thanks for a huge variety of things, it was quite humbling. It would be lovely if we, who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, could also take a few minutes to reflect on all the good things in our lives and give thanks for them.

My list would be way too long, so I won't write it down, just keep it in my heart, but I would like to thank all of you who read my blog, leave such wonderful comments, and have become such good friends, for being in my life. For that I am truly thankful. Oh boy, am I glad we can't see each other on the computer, lol, me being this soppy is not a pretty sight!

Toodlepip xxx


  1. What a lovely post - it's true that it's sad this is one festival that hasn't made it across the pond! Many of us are indeed fortunate and have so much to be thankful for so thanks for reminding me to give some thought to all I have to be grateful for.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving dear friend!


  3. I must admit that even though Husband is a Yankee Doodle Dandy, we do not celebrate. I guess the kids being at school and me at work doesn't help. Thank you for being such a dear friend to all of us.xx

  4. hi there :)

    even though i really understand what you mean, i'm not a big friend of celebrations like thanksgiving...

    i think it's really sad that we actually need such days to be thankful and think of all the good things we have. in fact everyone should be so thankful for EVERY day we are given...

    but nevertheless the turkey looks sooo nice *lol* i saw it too this morning at graphicsfairy ;-)

    have a nice day!

  5. Dear friend,
    I`m so happy you are here, and we are friends, thanks, and a wonderfull day to you, and your husbond, Liz.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  6. Oh... Everyday should be Thanksgiving day.
    But I hope that doesn't make you soppy every day! :)

  7. One of the quotations on my post today was:

    Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. ~Edward Sandford Martin

    Every day truly is a day for the giving of thanks. Many blessings, Tammy

  8. We're getting like fat turkey at reading your very kind words Liz!

  9. you can start your own tradition!!! turkey is always good!!!

  10. I am so thankful for your comments on my blog. I really missed you this summer and am so glad my friend is back. Here is a big shout out across the waters to tell you HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  11. Gosh I'm not sure how they cope with Thanksgiving so close to Christmas. Now I'm grateful for having you as a dear friend and the little chats we have - even if you are a mad cow at times! Well I didn't want to get all soppy myself!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you,too! I just got done preparing a huge meal, visiting with my 3 sons, enjoying my Mom being here, and now collapsing and taking a few moments to read your blog. Thank you for visiting my blog when you can,I truly enjoy yours.


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