Tuesday 6 July 2010

Was lange waehrt, wird endlich gut

This is a German saying I grew up with, roughly translated it means something like - something which takes a long time to complete, turns out well in the end. That usually applies to me, like the granny square blanket which was two years in the making, and numerous other projects which take me ages to complete. Mostly because I leave them half finished so that I can start on yet another project, lol.

A couple of months ago, I took part in an apron swap organised by the very lovely Sarah, from the Red Gingham blog. If you have been around for a while, you will have seen the photos of the apron I made to my partner's specifications, which were - Dolly Angel style with doilies, lace etc, green and blue colours. If you haven't seen the pics yet, you can catch up here.

On Saturday I received my apron from Luisa, from the Dance in My Garden blog. It may have taken a long time to get here, but it was worth waiting for. It is a beautifully made, reversible half apron in lovely floral fabrics. But see for yourself -

This is the lovely little details on the reverse side -

But this is definitely my favourite side, the rose fabric is beautiful -

Thank you very much, Luisa, I wore it all morning, only just now took it off to go shopping after I have finished this post.

Sigh, I know I promised to post the boot sale finds yesterday, what can I say? Errmm, I haven't even photographed them yet. I got rather carried away with taking my craft room apart. All because I couldn't find the hexagons I had crocheted a while ago, and a persistent friend wanted to know all about the half hexies I had made to fill in the gaps. Found them, hurrah, but the work room re-arranging is taking a few days longer than anticipated, lolol. I wonder why.........

Promise I'll get the pics done for tomorrow though.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. You lucky lady...I LOVE the apron.
    Have a wonderful day.
    linens lace and lattes

  2. Whew! I''m soooo glad that was in German, for a minute there I just thought I was too stupid to be able to read it.

    Every time I come to your blog, I have the impression, for just a second, that the dogs in the header are actually one two-headed dog.

    Now you know who you're dealing with here - - -

  3. Hi Liz,
    the apron is beautiful and I know what you mean by rearanging.Hi,hi
    Have a great day.

  4. I am glad that you got your apron in the end Liz, and it does look like it was worth the wait, lovely :)

  5. Lovely apron, worth waiting for! Beautiful fabrics and a different pattern from any I've seen before.

  6. Well that's a huge relief for all. Luisa sure has made a wonderful apron for you. It looks beautifully stitched too. Enjoy your new apron and cook up a storm in it.

  7. I'm so pleased (and more than a teensy bit relieved!) that you like it Liz!
    It's nice to hear you have been wearing it.
    I feel very special when I wear yours!

  8. Hi my dear Liz,
    uhhh love the rosy side of your beautifull apron,too, what a wonderfull piece.
    Sweetie,today I will post your lovely gifts to me,-but now it is back to work for me, my shop needs driftwood angels, and other angels,too :)--like the ones with a big purse!!!
    Love and hugs,Dorthe

  9. Hi Lizzie!
    ..I'm so pleased to notice that also English keyboards don't have Umlaut! I thought it was only mine :)
    You both exchanged such lovely aprons!


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