Friday 2 July 2010

Sometimes when you least expect it,

something really sweet happens to make your day. Yesterday morning I posted a comment on a blog, whose writer had received a package in the post which was a complete surprise, totally unexpected. How lovely is that? It certainly made me smile and it confirmed to me once again how wonderful blogland really is.

A couple of hours later there was a knock on the door. It was the postman with a little package for me. For me? I hadn't ordered anything and the one package I was sort of waiting for ( the apron ) I knew wouldn't arrive for, well, a long time, lol, if ever. So what on earth could it be? I looked at it and realised it was most definitely not a UK package. Closer inspection revealed it was from New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND!!! That could only mean one person, a very dear blogger friend indeed, Sarah from the Red Gingham blog. But why, what?

I ripped it open, none too gently I have to admit, and out fell beautifully wrapped little pressies and some cards. Why? Just because I had sent her a little CK bag a while back, which had come with a magazine! I was gobsmacked. Sarah does know me quite well by now, and she sent me some gorgeous little treasures to craft with, as well as the most deliciously rosy tea towel for the cottage in France -

There was tiniest ric rac in the yummiest pastel colours, pink and green

Some gorgeous flowers for my tags/cards etc

Paper lace and stick on pearls

tiny little embellishments including those pretty pretty crocheted flowers

sweet pink little roses

But the most precious, heartwarming gifts were these three cards, from Sarah and her lovely daughters -

They mean more than anything to me! Having said that, of course I'll thoroughly enjoy crafting with my new little treasures. Watch this space. THANK YOU SO MUCH, SARAH AND YOU LOVELY GIRLS!!!

Just thought I'd share one other thing with you, in case you didn't see the comments on yesterday's post. Now you know that I often sign off with a toodlepip, a quaint English goodbye from a different era, but one which I really like. Judy from the lovely tapestries of nature blog finds it quite funny and has often left comments with variations on that cute word. Yesterday's really had me laughing out loud, for ages, because she signed off with PIDDLEPOOPS! Judy, you are an absolute hoot!

Thats it for today, I am off to make wooden bead necklaces with my granddaughter now

Toodlepip xxx


  1. How so very, very sweet to receive such a beautiful gift. LOVE the handmade card!!


  2. What a lovely parcel of goodness Liz, and all th more special when not expected :)

  3. oh, how sweet.Thank you so much for sharing.Blogging friends are wonderful!!! Enjoy your beautiful gifts, my blogging friend.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. How wonderful! Sarah and her girls are so lovely. I can't wait to see what you make with all the little treasures!

  5. You are most welcome Lizzie dearest! Glad you like them. I have no idea how they made those tiny roses so beautifully. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend. xx

  6. Blogland is wonderful isn't it?

  7. thats lovely..i love blogland xx

  8. Piddlepoops - tee hee!
    What a lovely suprise to receive in the post :-)
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Becky x

  9. So kind, and what lovely gifts to receive. x

  10. I know, Liz, it's amazing isn't truly nice people are!
    Hugs, Diane

  11. I love that!!! Thats so nice to recieve such a gorgeous package of goodies...must have made your day!! Thanks for sharing Liz, Especially those Beautiful pink roses..SWOON!! Oh and thanks for the introduction to a lovely new blog for me to read too!!!
    Have a great sunday xx
    Annie xxx

  12. For sure how fun to get such a great pack. I keep going to my thrift shop hoping to find some things like that. Just like the find on your previous post. I once bought a whole used wedding dress with lace and sequins and buttons for 25.00 and I am still using pieces from it. Enjoy your weekend sweet Liz. thanks for stopping by.

  13. Arent bloggers just the most giving people! What a wonderful surprise for you!


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