Wednesday 30 June 2010

Aaahh, romance

It was a little bit of a tease yesterday, telling you I wouldn't show you my most favourite find from the weekend until today. Well, I loved it so much, I really thought it deserved its very own post. You'll probably think I am completely doolally ( and you could be right, of course ), but I can't help being a bit of a romantic fool. Or fool full stop, lol.

I am one of those people who can never pass a closed box on a stall without opening it to see what, if anything, is hiding inside. They draw me like a magnet. So there I was happily wombling about when I spotted this box on a stall in the distance ( madam eagle eyes, lol ) -

Ok, Lancome, good name, so there could possibly be something nice in there. Wombling turned into a rather fast walk, and honestly I didn't snatch the box up, I just grabbed it rather quickly. Do you get excited when you open a box on a stall? I do. This is what I found when I lifted the lid -

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH, it was the prettiest wedding head dress with 2 matching hair combs. Gorgeous! Not at all your usual tiara, but a Flower Power ( dare I say Hippie ) girl style head dress worn on the forehead with the beautiful beads hanging down.

It was lying on bunched up tissue paper and when I lifted the pieces out to admire them, I found this under the tissue paper -

Yes, a beautiful short veil, embroidered all over with the prettiest little pink pearls. I know I must have had a really silly grin on my face at that point. It was so beautiful, so delicate, so very charming, the kind of thing I might have worn quite happily. I could picture the bride ( or me in my younger days ) so clearly, in a long, flowing white dress with a beautiful and gently swirling skirt and long sleeves, with these beautiful flowers in her long hair......... and then the stall holder starting talking to me, lol. Ok, so maybe I looked just a little bit silly with those flowers on my head, ahem.

Enough said, lol, of course I had to buy the set, I couldn't possibly leave it behind. It was the most romantic thing I had found in a long time. Of course I have no idea yet where I am going to display it, for the moment it has been carefully packed away again in the Lancome box. But one of these days I'll just know.

I'll go and dream a little more about romantic weddings now. Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh my gosh, yes you've really done it this time Liz. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Well apart from my babies of course! It's it exquisite? I'd have to get married all over again if I was the lucky owner of such beauty. Well done Liz!

  2. It really is exquisite! Goodness how to be people sell something like that at a carboot???

    You'll have to have a renewal of your wedding vows (if you took any ;-)?) just so you can wear it!

  3. How sad that it was in the sale...but how wonderful for you. It is exquisite...take it to Antiques roadshow and see what they say.
    You certainly couldnt leave it there on a stall.

  4. What an awesome find! This is truly gorgeous! I love the veil so sweet :0)

  5. That is just too beautiful! I have never been a bride but boy would I like to sport something like that is I ever am! xxx

  6. Gasp, that is STUNNING. Do you know how old it is, it looks to be in pristine condition, no fading at all. Lucky, lucky you. I just don't get it, you and your boot sales. I dropped into one the other day and I've never seen such a load of tat in my life, and believe me I searched the joint. Clearly a sophisticated bunch in your neck of the woods!

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my post, I've been walking on air ever since!

    Kate x

  7. Wow that is really very beautiful. I'd find a vintage ladies head and display it in my bedroom - too beautiful to hide away in a box.

  8. That really was a find. It must have been so wonderful to lift the lid and discover all that prettiness. xx


    I just think you have got magical eyes,sweet--to spot a box filled wit such a treasure, from apart, is fantastic,--and surely my romantic soul would have jumped ,too,if I had been the VERY lucky finder ....
    I can only say CONGRATULATIONS with this extraordinarely boot find.
    Sunday I take the two kids home, and monday I`m home in the evening again.
    So next week I will post my so very beautifull, and sweet gift from you,dear friend.
    Wish you great dayes,till then, and sends hugs,and kisses.

  10. This is lovely. I found something similar to this, but all in pink. The veil was very long. I put it over my bed, attached the crown at the ceiling and draped the tulle around the bed posts. (there's a name for these, but I can't think of it right now. Love, your sister Gail in Florida.



  12. Liz I wouldn't be able to walk past this either its stunning, What a find! Lucky you!!!


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