Friday 30 October 2009

What have I gotten myself into?

Ooher, girls, what on earth have I gone and done, lol? After yesterday's update, more people joined as Followers. When I logged on this morning, we were up to 31, so I chose and photographed six more items, went back to the blog, and realised that yet another person had just joined! Back I went to the stash possibles and took some more photographs.

So this morning, I am adding 7 more items to the GIVEAWAY STASH. Is that enough info? Do I really have to upload photos and tell you in detail what the bits and pieces are? I suppose I had better if I don't want to get myself into trouble, lol.

Lets start with this little baggie. Hundreds, possibly thousands of tiny, sparkly, gorgeously twinkly beads to embellish your creations with. They came from a professional embroiderer ( embroidered dresses for some rather big stars ), so they are good quality beads -

Next, one of my handmade soaps on a gorgeous little vintage plate decorated with roses -
Just in case any of you are concerned, my soaps are all made with pure vegetable oils and butters and are fully safety assessed by a qualified cosmetic chemist ( they have to be in order for me to sell them, the regulations are very strict ).

Two little scraps of vintage rose fabrics, big enough to make little hearts with -

A big vintage button, two tone olive green, fab for a handmade bag, for example -

I also added this sweet little traycloth, embroidered with a crinoline lady and flowers-

Two more scrap pieces of vintage rose fabrics -

and 3 lovely chunky off white vintage buttons -
I really don't want to get the whole stash out again in order to photograph everything together, so if you want to check whats already in the stash box, go here.

Thats it for today. And I am not going to look again until much much later, lol. Any adding on which might have to be done will be done tomorrow.

Cheerio, Liz xx


  1. You're being very generous! Love the goodies you've selected so far. Good luck with the followers recruit (though perhaps you don't want too many!)


    PS Found you via Pomona

  2. And I can highly recommend both of your blogs! I think that you have made quite a rash promise, Liz! And you have put such lovely things in your giveaway - I agree that it's so very generous of you.

    Pomona x

  3. Ha - told you it was dangerous! Add very, very small things from now on, Liz, or the postage will be crazy! You can post it to me in Edinburgh when I win... (I wish).

    My mum is coping well with her new medication, and it is a relief to see her looking better than last time, even though it can only be temporary - thanks so much for your kind thoughts.

  4. It's going to be a very big and heavy package at this rate isn't it? I should keep it small from now onwards. I do so hope it's me that gets those lovely pieces of rose materials!


  5. Far out Liz, you really are outdoing yourself! Won't that plate get broken on the Air NZ plane?!! I wonder how many parcel stickers you're going to need for writing up the contents of your parcel? Very nice goodies you have lying around your house.

  6. Oooh, you're in trouble, aren't you! Better add light weight miniatures only!
    I love your blog, and just updated myself with past posts. You're hilarious!
    I'd love to go shopping with you.... maybe not, I'm sure we'd be shoving each other out of the way. lol


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.