Monday 14 September 2009

Woohoo, today is START-THE-SWAP Day!

The idea of swaps really appeals to me, it is such a great way of getting to know a bit more about another blogger and exchanging some lovely goodies as well. I have seen so many fab swaps on various blogs, but have always been too shy to join, because I am pretty new to all this, really. Silly, I know, but you know what its like when all the others seem to know each other already. PLEASE DON’T FEEL THAT JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T LEFT A COMMENT BEFORE YOU ARE NOT WELCOME! You couldn’t be more wrong. I would love it if some new faces would join in as well, the more the merrier, it makes it all that much more exciting. I know there are lots of people who pop in without leaving comments, quite a few even have my blog on their reading list ( always a lovely surprise when I find myself on somebody’s fav.list ), so please do join.

Alrighty then, let me tell you a bit more about what kind of swap I had in mind. You may have guessed from the title that it might have something to do with colours. Well, it could have been rainbow shaped objects I suppose, but the swap is indeed all about colours. All the colours of the rainbow, in fact, and more.

And this is how its going to work ( I hope ). I’ll post a list of colours, and if you want to take part in the swap, you pick your favourite ( or second favourite ) colour and put your name against it. You can copy and paste the list into a comment and add your name, or just tell me your favourite colour in a comment, that’s instant and visible to others who are interested, or you can email me your choice, but then you risk being too late with your choice, because I don’t check my emails every 5 minutes. I’ll allow two people per colour. After a certain amount of time, a week or maybe even two, I will put all names into a hat and draw partners. As an example, Person A has chosen green as her favourite, person G has chosen peach, I drew those two as partners, so A will receive green thingies from G, and G will receive peachy stuff from A. Clear? As mud, lolol.

Now, we are all suffering in the current economical climate, and I would like this swap to be fun, not a burden, so I would like to limit the value of the swap to around £10/12, so that people don’t feel they have to go way over the top with the goodies they are sending. It is quite surprising what you can do with/get for a tenner when you use your imagination. Handmade things could keep the costs down ( not counting your valuable time ), and what a great excuse to go visit a bootfair/vide greniers/garage sale to hunt for coloured goodies. Hey, you can even justify yet another visit to a charity/ thrift shop! Also think about weight, postage overseas is expensive, so if your swap partner is not within your own country, chose lightweight things.

To make it a successful swap, find out a little bit about the sort of things your swap partner likes by visiting their blog or if they don’t have a blog, through a quick email exchange. That kinda reminded me to point out that you don’t have to have a blog to take part in this swap. Just tell us a little bit about you in your comment on the swap post.

Here goes, the “ALL THE COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW AND MORE” colour list -

RED - Sarah, her blog Red Gingham is here
Pomona, read about her here

ORANGE - Victoria from the lovely Florence and May blog
Ruby, you can find one of her blogs here

YELLOW - Kate, she is just just about to revive her blog here

GREEN - Jennyflower, one of her blogs is here
Jackie - this is her blog

BLUE - Floss, her blog is here
- Elisabethd, you can find her here

INDIGO - Cal, this is her blog

VIOLET - Juanitatortilla, check out her blog here
Michela, the lovely girl is joining twice!

BLACK - Michela, you can find her blog here

WHITE - LissyLou, of LissyLou and the two little boys
Juanitatortilla is going for two swap partners as well !

GREY - Steph, and this is her blog
Vicki, her blog can be found here

TEAL/TURQUOISE - Croapqueen, aka friend and co-author JJ, her blogs are here and here

PINK - Kelly - this is her blog
Bekimarie - find her blog here

PEACH – Joy, aka Madam Cowpat, also friend and co-author, this is her blog


BEIGE – ME ME ME ME ME ! I happen to like all the different shades of beige

Oh, I do hope that lots of you readers will join in and make this a really fun swap. Go on, don’t be shy, put your name down for a colour!



  1. Hurray! Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, please! Thanks for setting up this swap - it looks like great fun, Liz.

  2. Hi Lululiz! I've just found you through the blue-lover (Floss, of course!) and I'd like to join in your lovely swap, please!
    I'm new to swaps too...I'd like to sign up for BLACK! Thank you so much to give us such a great opportunity to know each other better, even if sometimes we are so far!
    Have a fantastic week!
    P.S.I will put a link to your blog asap!

  3. Please could I do blue too? My favourite colour, like Floss!

  4. Finally it's arrived! I pick red please Liz. Deep cherry red not that orangy stuff. Gosh I'm fussy but I always have been with red. And don't you hate it when you get something home and it's not the right shade?

  5. Green pretty please, soft and leafy rather then limey if possible- oh what fun- thanks for organising this! xx

  6. This sounds fun! I'm going to say orange as I'm starting to feel all autumnal and halloweeny!

    Victoria xx

  7. VIOLET for me!!! Whee! Although I do love more colours than just one :)

  8. Teal/turquoise for me purleeze :-)

  9. Oh!!! Pink please!!!!

    Kelly xxxx

  10. ooooo i love this idea!!! I'll join in please - my fave colour is white - pink would be my second choice xxxxx

  11. Can I join please, i'd like pink!

    Beki xxx

  12. Hi Liz! Can I join one more time, please?
    If I am allowed, I'd like to have violet (Lavender), thanks!

  13. Hi ~ I've popped over from Floss's blog and love the idea of a rainbow swap. My favourite colours are green and pink ~ I really don't mind which one and I would love to join in with this swap if there are any places left :O)

  14. Hi - could I have red please? So many colours I like, but red seems to be a recurrent theme!

    Pomona x

  15. Oh oh oh! Can I put myself down for another colour?!? That would be white! Or black. Or you know what, you can fit me anywhere!

  16. Oooo, I'd love to join in if that's ok?... Pink would be my all time fave, but I seem to be rather partial to grey at the mo!!
    xxx Steph

  17. oooh! what a great idea! I love grey at the moment ....

  18. ohh pink please!.... fab swap Tx

  19. I think I have listed everybody now, except for TCake, yooohooooooo TCake, I don't have contact details for you. Pink is already gone, please have a look through the post and see if there is any other colour which you like, second best. I have allowed two people per colour and a lot of them are already taken.

  20. please can I join in, I stumbled over here off Florence and Mays blog, I have never dared to join in one before!! Can I choose orange , thanks Ruby x

  21. Oh I just found your fab swap from Florence & Mary, can I join in too.
    Pink or Green (moss green).
    Thanks Sophie xxxx

  22. Hi Sophie, I don't have an email contact for you, so have to reply here. I am so sorry, but both green and pink already have two takers each, and I did restrict it to two per colour. There are only very few spots left, one yellow, one black, a beige and brown, I think. Really sorry.

  23. Hi Lululiz, no worries sorry I didn't leave my details, and have just realised they don't appear on my profile. Hope the swap goes well. Am looking forward to seeing everyones post's about what they receive.
    Luv Sophie xxx

  24. Hi Liz, I thought I joined up for this. Is this the one where we answered a survey to match folks up?
    I haven't received any info and don't see my name any where. Maybe I am mistaken.
    QMM (Peggy)


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.