Sunday 13 September 2009

France revisited

I have been looking at the photos from our last stay in the cottage again, and that reminded me that I had promised to post more pics of vide greniers finds. I only went to a couple of vide greniers, there just weren't that many in our area, but I did find a few things which just had to come back with me.

Firstly, there are these pretty little cups for cup candles ( I need to pursuade a certain friend of mine to fill them for me ) -

Aaahhh, and look, a shoe box full of exquisite lace -

I have quite a collection of these gorgeous hand made late 19thC/early 20thC tops ( blouses/jackets) and I am always gobsmacked how beautifully they are made, with the tiniest stitches, hand embroidery etc etc -

Two beautifully hand embroidered and monogrammed hankies -

And staying with the white bits, these great 19thC bloomers, so very daring, wouldn't it be fun though to were them? They have a cute little monogram in red as well -

oh oh, and all these small little lace squares, they will be just perfect for embellishing antique linen lavender hearts and sachets -

This gorgeous blue glass bead necklace ( for some reason this made me think of Floss, perhaps because there is always so much blue on her blog ) -

I really liked this leather cigarillo case as well -

My DH loves looking at old maps and I was really pleased when I found these two old maps of our area -

And staying with paper stuff, I found this bound volumne of 1950s women's magzines, I love them! I have already spend many hours looking through them, and there is still so much more to go through -

And I really really do like using antique knife rests when we have friends round for dinner. Not only do they look so pretty, they also save the tablecloth from getting horrid gravy stains. These are particularly pretty -

I did buy some other bits and pieces, but I I'll post those tomorrow. Toodlepip for now xx

Oh oh, dont forget girls, the rainbow swap is going to start very very soon, all the relevant info will be up within the next few days, so please make sure you check back and take part!


  1. Hello Darling!!! I am completely in love with those fresh white tops! Aren't they just divine? And to think they are all handstitched! I can really appreciate the time that must have gone in to them. And those crochet bits will look fab on your lavender bags. Good score for only two outings Liz!

  2. Oh, I adore that beautiful collection of lace...

  3. STUNNING images. And what great finds. I love the hand-stitched blouse especially, and yes, that blue necklace does remind me of Floss. Funny, I always think about Floss whenever I see blue.

    Can't wait to see what you've come up with for this rainbow Swap. I'm liking the idea already, and would love to take part!

  4. Ohh, you can think of me whenever you see lace like that, too, feel free! It really is fantastic, and you're right I really do like that blue necklace too. Your felted necklace (mutter, mutter, swear, curse) is also great, although I can imagine how frustrating the beads were to make.

    Looking forward to your giveaway. I'm having an unexpected blog catchup because Son 2 was sick all night and is now asleep on the sofa...


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.