Saturday 8 August 2009

First bootfair in aaaaaaaaaages

I was sooo happy that the weather was good, better than just good actually, it was blimming wonderful, and the Saturday lunchtime bootfair was on, and enormous. I was a very happy bunny.

But before I start on my booty finds from today, I had better finish off that wonderful set of romantic pictures ( see the last two posts for all the info ). Here they are, just as beautiful and romantic as the first two lots I showed you -

Couple of other things I picked up that day, these two pretty little tray cloths and that 1970s book. I just picked one page to show, I love those fabrics!

Oh oh, I almost forgot, how could I! I also got this set of American children's books from the 70s, which I find absolutely adorable. They are written by Stephen Cosgrove and illustrated by Robin James.

The illustrations are just fabulous, and I really couldn't pick and chose a few to show you, so I totally randomly opened a few books and took pics. I love them all -

Lol, you know, its really terrible how some things just slip my mind. I have just remembered that I also bought a set of 5 huge, and I really mean HUGE vintage serviettes/napkins, sweetly embroidered with a dainty monogram in red. Well, I could be excused for forgetting, if you are feeling generous, they are in the wash at the moment to freshen them up, so I have no photos of them at the mo. All these things, except for the wonderful romantic pictures, came from the charity tent, which I had a very quick womble through while my son manned the stall for a few mins.

And you know something else? This post is already very long and I haven't even started on the bootfair from today, and I think I am not going to to either. Its late, 9.20pm, and Frost is about to start, and I do like watching thats series, so I am going to be a really horrid woman and NOT show anything from today until tomorrow. Yikes. Forgive me??? xx


  1. You have been a busy girl! I go away for a week and come back with two things, meanwhile you post all this lot...

    Your soppy pictures are far too good quality to be BLECH. I'm not overly romantic but those pics are good! I especially adore the one with the Greek-type woman and the daisies. They're an interesting combination of eras.

    Thanks for your welcome home!

  2. Hello from Canada! Your blog is very interesting. I just love the image of woman in white with veil and white roses. I am asking permission to download a copy of it. If final collage posted on blog you will be given credit. Please let me know. Thanks. Sandra


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