Thursday 6 August 2009

Continuing with the romance

I am still in that sort of mood, lol, because I have been rummaging through linen and lace, looking at old etchings on my dining room wall, thinking about our cottage in France......

so here are a few more of those wonderful plates I bought at the weekend, they make me think up all sorts of romantic stories -

This young lad is surely dreaming of his lady love -

perhaps remembering their first sweet embrace

Ahhh, and then one day he dons all his finery, and calls on her and asks for her hand in marriage

And of course, she is head over heals in love with him and agrees to marry him

Can you not feel the romance just oozing out of those pictures? Doesn't it just warm the cockles of your heart, lol?

I have three more plates from the same book, I'll post them tomorrow. Now on to a couple of other things I found on the weekend during the few minutes I managed to get away from my stall.

Firstly, there was this gorgeous 1950s synthetic eiderdown, smothered in lushes roses. Made for a single bed really, but it looks just lovely placed at the foot end of a double bed -

This heartshaped little trinket box caught my eye, Aldrigde Pottery ( Staffs ), it is so sweetly decorated -

Oh yes, and another vintage book, with very charming illustrations

Bit more from last weekend tomorrow and then thats that. I am keeping my fingers crossed for good weather this weekend so that I can go to a bootsale again, I haven't been for what seems like absolute ages.



  1. You soppy old thing you :-) Who'd have thought it(ducks down so she doesn't get cyberslapped).

    Lordy, more bootfairs means many, many, many, many more pictures doesn't it? There aren't enough hours in the day to admire all your pics and no doubt there'll be loads of goodies to post on here. Don't forget your trolley - you haven't been booting for a while so there'll be a trolleyful at least to cart home.

  2. Gosh you're having a weekend off then are you? That does sound dangerous!!!

    Have you finished your latest crocheting obsession? I quite enjoyed seeing all your pretty flowers. I still haven't finished my flippin' cushion yet! I am so not a crocheter. Think I'll stick to sewing. Maybe we are only supposed to have one main craft?

    Hope you find some good stash at the bootsale.

  3. Such great images! how fun!


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