Tuesday 1 January 2019


I hope everybody had a fabulous Christmas and was able to celebrate the arrival of the new year in style. I wish you all good health and happiness for 2019 and beyond.

One of my New Year's resolutions - to start blogging again :-) ! I do love Instagram, how convenient and fast it is, but I am not that keen on writing on the phone, arrgghhh, I am pretty useless actually. So I don't usually say very much, lol, just a few sentences. Facebook I don't like at all anymore, I spend very little time on there. Instagram very conveniently posts my photos straight to FB without me having to go there, yay. If you have been following my currently sadly neglected blog in the past, when I was rather more active, you'll remember that I was somewhat of a chatterbox, lol. I do miss that, hence my determination to revive the blog and chatter away. 

I am hoping that blogging will also help me to rekindle my love of crafting. I haven't been able to create for such a very long time, and it really saddens me. My head is full of things I want to make, but when it comes to actually doing it, I stare at all those beautiful supplies I have and thats as far as it goes. I need a little challenge!

On a positive kind of crafty note, my DH and I gave each other vouchers for a macarons making class, woohoo! I am really looking forward to that. I do love handmade French macarons, not the factory churned out ones you get in the supermarket. Hopefully there will be some classes towards the end of January. Watch this space for pics, lol!

I'll spend the next few days, while I am still feeling poorly, catching up on the posts of the wonderful people I admire so much on here. I must have missed so many beautiful creations, and god knows what personal stories I have missed and failed to react to.

So, here is hoping that 2019 will be a year of renewal for me, of friendships, of contacts, of creativity and of energy.

Have a wonderful year! Toodlepip xxx


  1. It is good to see you posting again and I hope it will continue. Yes, you'll get your mojo back. It takes time, sometimes. Sometimes a LOT of time.

    You are going to love making macarons! They're loads of fun -- and delish! Happy New Year!

  2. Hello to you Liz~
    It was so lovely to see you posted a 'Hello' and letting us know that you hope to
    blog more often! That makes me smile :) Looking forward to that very much.
    I Think of you often and hope all is well, but You mentioned you weren't feeling well?
    Hope it's not serious~
    Yes! let us see some homemade macaroons!
    I am away (on business)from crafting for about a month. I still use and enjoy the things you gifted me, and some things purchased at your auctions too! Those were great fun [but a lot of work for you though~]
    Happy New year to you!
    loving hugs, karen o

  3. H ello dear Liz, so lovely to see you here , darling friend. I hope for you , you will soon feel better again .
    I have missed seeing you and your creations, and it would be wonderful if blogging gets you hooked again .
    Macarons , yum, good luck with the class, sounds like fun !!
    So see you soon again, my friend, and till then much love from Dorthe - xoxoxo

  4. Dear Liz, your post struck a chord with me!
    When you visited my blog you may have noticed I had not been posting either.
    I’ve had the same desolate feelings in my creative pursuits.
    I am halfway through a little journal I’m making for a dear blog friend in France but I’m stuck in No Mans Land - it’s that awful dark space - a void, that I can’t move forward.
    I’m actually comforted by your honesty, as I felt embarrassed to acknowledge it was happening to me.
    Maybe we can get together and move forward together - I’ll email you.
    Shane xx


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