Friday 9 December 2016

Mail from the other side of the world

When the door bell rings and the postman hands me an envelope from Australia, my heart always beats faster, because I know it can only be from my darling friend Suzy. 

It is hard not to tear it open right there on the doorstep, lol, but I controlled myself. This is what my dear friend sent me this time -

I love Suzy's work so much, just look at this beautiful card she sent me. The details are amazing, the many layers -

The images are always so beautiful, soft and serene

and even the inside of her cards are always embellished

And when it comes to ornaments, I am just bowled over. These two beautiful ornaments for my Christmas tree also arrived in the envelope -

Thank you so much, Suzy, you know how much these beauties will be treasured.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh, how very lovely! Love Suzy's work so much.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen


  2. First I'm very jealous ! I love those ornaments they are so divine I would be thrilled with them, I can see why you always want to rip right into your package
    I have one piece of hers and it hangs in my kitchen area where I always sit.

    Merry Christmas

  3. Oh Liz, you are so lucky,
    my envelope did not yet arrive to me,-what precious pieces you have received from our dearest Suzy.
    I just love it all, the card and the ornaments, are all so very beautiful, and so adorable. It is always like being spoiled, when receiving a gift from Suzy.
    Big hugs to you, dear friend. xoxo

  4. Absolutely beautiful, that Suzy is one amazing artist.
    Stopping in to say hello, I'm so busy but I haven't been blog hopping in weeks. xxx Rhonda

  5. Oh Liz, thanks for sharing your wonderful gifts from Suzy. She makes my heart patter with her designs. And I know you will enjoy your "LittleTreasues" Have a peaceful weekend.


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