Tuesday 4 August 2015

Rain, glorious rain! And a Flash Giveaway winner

Woke up at 6am this morning to the sound of distant thunder and RAIN! Omg, rain, real proper rain, not just a light drizzle for a few minutes. How can I get so excited about rain? After 2 months of drought conditions, weeks of hearing the distressed cries of starving cows and having to fetch water every day to try and keep the veggies alive, this is such a blessed relief. Our three rain butts are filling up, the ground is getting a proper soaking, so we won't have to water the veggies for a couple of days, and maybe, just maybe, the fields around us will turn from a burnt yellow/orange to a little bit of green here and there.

This is our view this morning, gorgeous grey, yay -

I hope my painting stands up to the rain, lol -

Hector's favourite outdoor water bowl has filled up and is blowing bubbles -

There are tiny little puddles in the hollows of the large stones outside the door -

So here I sit with a smile on my face, watching the rain dripping down -

Mustn't forget to announce the winner of the little flash giveaway, must I? The name picked out of the hat is -


I can't find an email addy for you, Lesley, so please contact me with your addy and I'll get your win on the way to you.

My family is arriving on the weekend, and I am so very happy to have them ALL here at our cottage in France for the very first time. I think I might just have to have another giveaway in a week or two, so stay tuned :-).

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Rain is delightful when in comes in moderation...we could use a nice shower here also. Enjoy your company and takes lots of photos...

  2. Oh, no I missed your giveaway. Congratulations to the lucky winner.
    Have a wonderful time with your family, dear Liz.

  3. I read that France was needing rain. Poor grass and poor cows. Happy you had a nice rain. Have fun with your family!

  4. I read that France was needing rain. Poor grass and poor cows. Happy you had a nice rain. Have fun with your family!

  5. I read that France was needing rain. Poor grass and poor cows. Happy you had a nice rain. Have fun with your family!

  6. Little wonder you are celebrating the rainfall. We are the opposite, no chance of any drought as it rains each and every day and night. There has been no summer days to speak of.

  7. Delightful Blessed Rain! Maybe Northern California will get some drought relief with rain after four years. Our state is burning up and the fires are not extinguishing. May you make wonderful memories with your family dear...

  8. I am so thrilled to have won your giveaway. Thank you so much. My e-mail is

  9. In totalness (yes, I know its not a word, lol) with you, Liz. Same conditions here in Lot et Garonne! Here's wishing you a wonderful time with your family,
    Carolyn xx

  10. Hooray for the rain! We are finally getting some rain here in Washington and our fires are getting dampened just a bit. the firefighters have come from so many countries to assist in the largest fires in the history of our state. It has been so smoky and we are grateful for our rain as well!
    glad you got some moisture and have water there to feed the veggies!


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