Wednesday 25 March 2015

The Big Black Hole

Oh yes, I am the unwilling and unhappy host of a big black hole. You know the kind of hole, the one things mysteriously disappear into. This black hole happens to love my computer. And it eats photographs. 

I had better explain, hadn't I? My darling friend Suzy sent me the most beautiful birthday gift well before my birthday. I took many photographs, you know that I love sharing gifts from my beautiful bloggy friends with you all. Before we left for France, I transferred all photos I had taken over the last few months from my computer onto the external HDD and also onto my laptop. A week ago, I wanted to do the blog post on Suzy's gift, and yes, you guessed it, the photographs of her gifts were gone. Just those. I spent hours looking through every file on the laptop and the ext. HDD, got my son to check my pc at home in the UK for them. NOTHING. GONE. Swallowed by the black hole. 

I had taken the main gift with me to France, but I didn't take everything, sob sob. So, without further delay, here are just a few photographs of my beautiful new NEEDLE BOOK created by the amazing Suzy from Suziqu's Threadworks -

And here it is, in my craftavan, amongst other much loved gifts -

Isn't it just the most precious lacy concoction? Love love love it.

Tomorrow, I'll show you photographs of something oh so beautiful, which arrived from Denmark just hours before we were leaving for France. I took it with me of course and photographed it here :-).

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Hi Liz, I know just what you mean when a file or photo disappears in the black hole never to be found again~~
    Love your gift from Suzy. She is one talented lady and you are so blessed to have her work. Hope you enjoyed a nice birthday. Have a nice time in France too.
    Happy Spring!!
    Hugs, CM

  2. Oh, I absolutely adore your gift from our dear Suzy:)Simply gorgeous? Enjoy and have a lovely day,Liz.

  3. My dear Liz, this is so very beautiful, and in the most gorgeous fabrics,laces,and colours,-I so love your gift from our dear Suzy.It looks lovely, with all your other treasured items in your craftavan ,sweetie.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  4. Zuerst dachte ich du hättest die gemacht und dann nee die sieht nach Suzy aus und dann habe ich gelesen ;) Die ist total schön, ich kann mir gut vorstellen dass du dich da gefreut hast. Und jetzt habe ich dein Geburtstag doch vergessen .... So sorry Süße aber alles Gute nachträglich und bleib gesund und munter und ein neues Jahr mit ganz viel kreativen Einfällen.
    Hugs und knuddels

  5. What a stunning needlebook and your lovely photos really do it justice x

  6. Ahh, that makes me crazy when I lose photographs..they are all so beautiful, and your display of loveliness in your craftavan is such fun...I remember the posts you have done on each of these amazing gifts...I hope I can get your amzing gift to you!! LOLOL . I think of you often, and like I said in the other comment, I even dreamed about you and your hubby! LOL it was funny!


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