Thursday 19 March 2015

Officially old!

According to my darling husband that is, lol. It is my birthday today, my 60th birthday, and he gleefully told me that now I am officially old. I did try to tell him that 60 is the new 40, and that I am only middle aged, but he wouldn't have it, I am now an official member of the Old Fogey Club :-). Thats quite enough of that, though, I'd much rather show you something pretty than talk about age.

Just before we left for France, I received a little package, which had travelled all the way from Australia. Judy from Judy's Fabrications had a giveaway a little while ago and I was one of the lucky winners. I love her rich and exuberant, colourful style, and I was thrilled to receive one of her amazing hearts -

Isn't the beadwork just amazing? 

She also gifted me with this pretty French themed tag, perfect for my French craftavan -

And talking of gifts..... I received some beautiful birthday gifts from very dear bloggy friends, which I'll show you over the next few days. They are a real feast for the eyes, so check back soon :-).

I am off now to do a little bit of birthday shopping with my DH. He wants to buy me a plum tree for my birthday, isn't that just the bestest present?

Toodlepip xxx


  1. First of all, Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 60s' club xxx
    I love Judys' work and hearts and pink especially, so I'm a bit envious of your heart gift!
    ^0 would be the new 40 if it wasn't for all the aches and pains lol!

  2. I follow Judy's blog -I love her color and rich work-lucky you! Now 60 is okay. I will be 70 on my birthday in May and that is the tough one to believe!! I was never one to worry about age--but this birthday has got me bamboozled!! But my husband always says that it's better than the alternative!! Happy birthday and enjoy being just 60!!

  3. Happy Birthday! And you are quite correct in stating you are not old, just a bit craftier perhaps :-) Have a great day.

  4. My Birthday wish for you is that you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. ENJOY

    Love Judy's little designs, she's like the energize bunny. Everything is always awesome.

    Have a fun day Liz

  5. OHHHHH LIZ ....... I`m totally wrong about that date.....
    I hope your day has been fabolous and that the evening will be as wonderful as the day, shopping with your husbond,(even him teasing you) .
    Your win from Judy is gorgeous in colours and the beading !!
    I send you love and kisses on this special day of yours , my dear friend.
    Dorthe XXX

  6. Bonne Anniversaire, chere Liz!
    Your plum tree is an inspired gift, and will give you years of pleasure.

  7. Sweet Liz,
    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you dear Liz .... Happy Birthday to you!
    Sending you many, many hugs and wishing you a wonderful day,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen xo

  8. HAPPY BDAY LIZ!! 60 is the new 40, I'm hoping it is. I will let you know when I turn 60 if I feel 40, doubt it. LOL

  9. That little heart is gorgeous and I adore the French tag too. I have about 4-1/2 on you as I will be 65 in Sept. That could be depressing, if I let it, but I do not intend to. Happy Birthday and many more happy ones for you!

  10. Judy is a rare treasure and I adore her and her art pieces. Happy Birthday to you and hope you continue celebrating every day. Birthday Bliss...

  11. Girl, I missed it.... Again! Lost in my own world with my college kids!! But I have thought about you!! I will travel back home tomorrow, and visit with you from there!!! Hope you had an amazing day!!! Hugs and love,

  12. Dearest Liz-- I'm only just a little bit late to wish you Happy Birthday--- just keep on celebrating sister!! 60 is most definately the new 40 and you are no where near old!!

    I love that your husband is buying you a plum tree-- that is a most wonderful gift:)


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