Saturday 24 January 2015

When you are feeling poorly...

... there is nothing like a surprise package arriving on your doorstep to make you feel way better! And if there is one thing which could almost cure the common cold, then its a pressie from Dorthe!

I have always admired the fabric rolls which I have seen in blogland, but I have never actually held one in my hands. Until now. Dorthe created the most beautiful nature themed fabric roll for me, and I am completely in love with it. It is just so much fun slowly unrolling it and seeing more and more beautiful images and embellishments emerge. It is stunning, and words are really not needed, the photos say it all. Firstly though, I want to show you the beautiful card and the fabulous way Dorthe wrapped the fabric roll -

Incredibly beautiful details, right?

And now to the most delightful fabric roll -

Stunning inside and out -

Thank you, darling Dorthe, for my very precious gift, which almost cured the commong cold, lol. I feel heaps better now :-).

I hope you are all having a grand weekend,
toodlepip xxx


  1. Hello dear Liz,
    sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well. What a beautiful gift ... next time I am ill that is a medicine I would love to have.(lol) Dorthe always makes so beautiful creations.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  2. What a delightful gift...bound to make you feel better!

  3. WOW!!!This is a very beautiful work,I love the vintage style,the lace,the image,all is fantastic!

  4. Simply exquisite fabric piece, lovely collage too. Thanks for showing this beauty, and stay well!!!

  5. Oh My Heavens of Dorthe Bliss! I am enchanted with "Snippet" rolls and this one is very special. Creative Bliss...

  6. Oh how pretty is this fabric roll.
    Sorry to hear you have a cold. That lovely gift must have lifted your spirits enormously!

  7. What a lovely get well soon pressie!
    Dorthe is amazingly talented and thoughtful! xxx

  8. Hello Liz,

    Parcels in the post are, as you say, so exciting. They are guaranteed to lift the spirits, especially when the package is of such a delightful gift as this one.

    We can only imagine the many hours of careful work which have gone into creating this wonderful present. Such a beautiful handmade gift is really something to be treasured for all time.

    Hoping that you are now feeling better.

  9. That is THE MOST beautiful fabric EVER. I have to look at it again, I adore it.
    I'm so glad she gifted you, that would have lifted my spirits, too.

    Be well, my sweet friend.

  10. Such a beautiful item! I don't think I have seen these before! Dorthe worked her magic on that lovely amazing card. The textures and the images are so gorgeous combined together. And that an amazing gift! I can see how happiness from her gift could make anyone all better! I love The gorgeous wrapping paper she made as well, and it blends perfectly with the card...such a healing gift!

  11. Oh my goodness wow... I'm drooling over here, this is such a stunningly gorgeous gift created by Dorthe just for you!! Lucky girl you are :) I'm sorry to hear you were not feeling well though. Hope you're better now? Sending you big hugs and happy smiles, xx Wendy (of AppleApricot)

  12. Oh my dear Liz,
    I so hope you are feeling so much better now,- I can tell your dear family shared a bit other, than love with you, in sending the cold on to you !!
    Thank you for blogging so very beautifully about my gift to you, - I`m so very happy you love it and that your day got a little better opening it up ,my darling friend.
    Thank you also for your e-mail, I`m only returned home last night , but you will hear more private from me.
    Warm healing hugs to you , from Dorthe

  13. What a fabulous pick me up present! Dorthe always makes such lovely creations so I'm not surprised this cheered you up! Chris:-)

  14. Dorthe is an amazing artist and such a perfectly lovely person too.
    Lucky you to receive some of her stunning handiwork!

  15. oooohhhh!! you are so lucky for getting's absolutely GORGOUS


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