Thursday 1 January 2015

From America with love... via Germany... via London and Brighton!

A few days before Christmas, I got the bestest Christmas present any blogger could get......... meeting up with a bloggy friend, yay!!!

My wonderful friend Lanette (Betsy's Heartstrings) and her husband from the States were spending Christmas with one of their daughters and her family in Germany, and they all decided to spend a few days in London. That was too good an opportunity to miss! They wanted to take a day trip to somewhere as well and Bath, which they had thought about, was too far away, so they decided on Brighton and we were determined to meet up there. Can you imagine how excited I was? It was amazing when we spotted them on the platform at Brighton Station, coming through the barriers. And that was it, Lanette and I didn't stop talking until it was time for them to get on a train back to London again, lol. Here we are at Brighton station, having just met up -
 left to right - my DH Andy, moi, Lanette and her DH Kim

We went to visit the Royal Pavilion, which was just awesome. We weren't allowed to take photographs inside, but google images for Brighton Pavilion and you'll see it in all its glory

We didn't stop talking when we were walking, and we didn't stop talking in the restaurant where we had dinner either, lol -

 Whilst the others were enjoying their drinks and their food, we were pouring over something which Lanette had made for me, something she called a Project Board Collage -

OMG, she had collected many many pieces of beautiful old silk ribbons, lace, embellishments, tiny keys and shell beads, trims and millinery and beautiful threads and collaged them all together so beautifully. I can't bear the thought of taking things off and using them. We spent ages in the restaurant going through every last thing on there :-). What a wonderful thing to have and it is hanging in my craft room now and being admired by me every time I look at it. Of course I just got to show you lots of detailed pics of all the wonderful treasures in this collage -

It is very precious to me, but even more precious are the memories of our meeting :-).

They also gifted us with some of their awesome cider ( omg that stuff tastes soooo good and it is alcohol free ), and my DH now proudly wears an Empey Brothers jacket and cap when he takes the dog walking in the Firehills.

It was over all too soon. A couple more photos on the way back to the station -

and then the final wave goodbye -

Most of the photos of the visit were taken by Lanette or one of her family. I guess I was too busy chatting away, lol, to remember my little camera. Doh.

That was last year, tehehehe, doesn't that sound incredibly long ago. I am hoping to meet up with Lanette and Kim again this summer in France, fingers crossed.

Toodlepip, xxx


  1. Liz,
    I was just getting ready to post my pictures of this! We are definitely kindred spirits! I love how it looks in all your pictures, especially on the candleabra. I know it won't stay there, but it certainly looks beautiful there!!! ;)Your pictures show more of what I gave you than mine do, glad I gave you those things I had forgotten about! LOL
    I cannot believe the time came and passed so swiftly, it is an amazing Remembered Time now!!!
    So good to spend such time with you and and Andy!!!

  2. What a special christmas gift, for you all, to be able meeting for a short but happy time, dear Liz.
    The pictures speak their own language of fun and joy, and the Project Board Collage from Betsy is amazing. Oh so much beauty in one place, and all to be used in new projects if you bare doing it.... I ,like you, would keep it just as is, to look at and touch and find new sweetness , every time !!
    You look so sweet in that dress, Liz, I love that style ,so sweet !
    Hugs to you, sweet friend !!
    Dorthe, xxx

  3. Hi Liz,
    you have a wonderful Blog! I just have ssen all the lovely pictures at Betsy's Blog!
    You have had suhc a great and funny time!
    Hugs from germany,

  4. What great photos and you all look so happy and fab. Was it pure luck the Brighton and Hove bus was going past as that pic was taken? What a happy accidental way to label your photo!

  5. Dear Liz
    I'm a little late in viewing all your wonderful photos as we have just arrived back from seeing the kids and grand kids! I can just feel the joy and excitment in both your hearts as you united for the first time as blogging friends.
    The beautiful gift Lanette created for you is a piece of art in itself -
    it really is gorgeous with so many special items attached and inside the little pockets. She really is a clever girl!!!
    I'm sending some of our heat with hugs your way to warm your little cotton socks!

  6. Dearest Liz-- happy New Year to you beautiful lady. It's truly a wonderful thing when you get to meet a blogging friend-/ I'd love to realize that dream as well and meet you.,

    Your photos are wonderful-- you must have had the most glorious day. Fingers crossed I might be in a photo with you someday.


  7. Hello:

    How simply wonderful! We are so thrilled that you met up with Betsy and her husband and, of course, doubly so that your day was spent in Brighton. You clearly had a very special day and we do hope that it will be possible for a reunion in France later on in the year.

    Over the time we have had our blog we have been so fortunate to meet with a number of Followers all of whom have become really close friends and with whom we maintain regular contact and visits. For us this aspect has been, and remains, one of the greatest of joys of the whole Blogosphere.

    For now we wish you and your family a peaceful and prosperous 2015. J&L

  8. So wonderful to meet in person those we've met online! What fun! I know you through Tag Tuesday... I just became a follower. I look forward to your future creations!

  9. Das ist ja mal echt was anderes. Gefällt mir super gut! Ich kann mir gut vorstellen das du dich gefreut hast.
    Hugs Alexandra


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